French Revolution: Birth Pangs of Socialism

Liberty Equality Fraternity Contradictory Motto

French Revolution: Socialism’s Birth Pangs
Extant Today On the Bodies of Millions

If there his any one event that shows the need to understand philosophy and proper biblical hermeneutics, it is the French Revolution which was a product of ungodly {asebeia} philosophy (Ro 1:18). Continuation of our previous post, Ubermensch Reborn in BLM and Socialism, we will briefly explore the roots of this germinal revolution that very understand even today as its propaganda continues to advertise it as a revolution of freedom like the American Revolution; nothing could be further from the truth. The French Revolution was Satan’s, and Man’s, first attempt at modern absolute Control {Sin: Coveting Control}. Continue reading “French Revolution: Birth Pangs of Socialism”

Ubermensch Reborn in BLM and Socialism

Ubermensch Nietzsche

Ubermensch Reborn in BLM
Ancient Concept Inherent in Sin

While I have discussed Nietzsche’s Ubermensch in previous posts, I will show that Nietzsche did not develop this concept himself and it is still alive today with Black Lives Matter (BLM) simply being the fastest iteration {Evolution of Prometheus.}. In the linked article discussing Ubermensch, notice that Nietzsche believed that Napoleon was an Ubermensch; in fact, this linked Nietzsche to Hegel in that both admired Napoleon who was a product of the French (Socialist) Revolution. While I wanted to show the philosophical concepts that resulted in the French Revolution and our modern society; I believe it best to discuss how this is relevant to today’s headlines. Continue reading “Ubermensch Reborn in BLM and Socialism”

Marcuse and Davis: Parents of Antifa

Black Panther's Fist of Racism

Marcuse and Davis: Parents of Antifa;
Began with Black Panthers Violence of 1968

Philosophy, held in contempt by most Americans, has actual and far reaching ramifications that are not readily apparent. The modern Antifa riots during President Trump’s presidency is a direct lineage of the Black Panther Violence of 1968 and onward; even the symbols are similar. Hegelian philosophy interpreted by Herbert Marcuse and introduced into black culture by his student, Angela Davis have arisen in our day as Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa, the violent arm of liberal change. While Americans danced to their music, played their games, followed their sports and generally majored in minutia; socialism worked behind the scenes to control a political party, elect a president and re-educate American children. While Americans slept, the socialists worked tirelessly to prepare for their revolution. They did not hide in the shadows but basked in the limelight of fame. This is their America becoming Satan’s tool for international socialism; i.e., Control. Continue reading “Marcuse and Davis: Parents of Antifa”

Black Tragedy of the Road Not Taken

Clear Choice of Advancement

Black Tragedy of the Road Not Taken;
Economic Freedom vs Equality Slavery

In my last post, Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion, I developed the contradiction that the modern black movement built upon the works of Germanic, white philosophers {White Man’s Philosophy Core of Black Socialist Racism.}. I promised to, “…show how later adherents reinterpreted Hegel to put socialism back on track without totally discrediting Marx’s contributions….and to show the importance of the volkgeist into mobilizing the blacks into endorsing their own continued slavery.” It is important to discuss the development of black volkgeist before proceeding into Black Lives Matter socialistic roots since it is primarily a black religion espousing socialism than a socialism built on a moralizing religion. To grasp the completeness of historical choice I could do no better than use Robert Frost’s poem, The Road Not Taken. Continue reading “Black Tragedy of the Road Not Taken”

Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion

Frankfurt School Modified Marxism

Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion
Laid Foundation for Marx to Today’s Wokeness

I began this series looking at the inherent contradiction of so-called black wokeness based on the philosophy of white atheistic Jewish men which seemed to begin with Marx {White Man’s Philosophy Core of Black Socialist Racism.}. Listening the a Sovereign Nations podcast, Hegel and the Dialectic, I realized that I had made a category error of logic. I assumed socialism began with Marx, a mistake many commonly make, when I knew nothing is new, original, with mankind (Ec 1:9-11). In fact, nearly everything we encounter today is a direct result of Hegelian philosophy interpreted by others; such as Marx. This post is a very condensed recitation of the aforementioned podcast and additional sources showing how today’s Wokeness is actually Hegelian religion in action. Continue reading “Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion”

Why is There Law and Justice?

Woman Beginning of Order

Woman’s Quest of Knowing Begat Disorder;
Disorder Begat Violence and Led to Laws

Satan’s deception to Woman, that she could be as God if she could obtain knowledge apart from God began the march into sin, chaos, disorder and death (Ge 3:1-7) {Ancient Battleground: Tree of Knowledge}. Woman raised her first son, Cain {Given of God}, to be the promised conqueror of Satan to return them to their pre-sin state; an impossibility (Ge 4:1-8). However, Cain descended into complete chaos and disorder and murder Abel, the Weak One, whom he was to protect when God chose Abel as patriarch instead of himself {God Offered Cain Control}. Cain left God’s presence and formed his own government in the Land of Wanderers {Nod}. Why, Laws?
Continue reading “Why is There Law and Justice?”

God Offered Cain Control

Cain Rejected Repentance

Cain Told he had to Control His Sin;
Cain Opted to Control Others Instead

Building on our last post, Controlling Fear: Cain and Abel, we come to learn about the futility of self-control of one’s self. Today’s emphasis of self-esteem, promises self-control; or at least the option of ignoring those who challenge your own view of yourself. Maslow labeled this quality as self-actualization and claimed it to be a mark of the completely healthy psychological being freed from the constraints of society (Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.). Basically the self-actuated person does not need others nor their value judgments; he, or she, meets their own needs regardless of what others think. The fruit of this has been the American phenomenon of the serial killer(s). To understand the failure of self-actualization one only needs to understand Cain’s murder of Abel (Ge 4:1-16). Continue reading “God Offered Cain Control”

Exchanging Light for Dark: Being Evil Gods

Scattered Eye is Evil

Original Sin: Exchanging Light for Dark;
Being Greater Than God’s Plan for Me

Exchanging Light for Dark: Being Evil Gods, or Original Sin, usually devolves into a solid tale of fleshly copulation because early translators had other agendas than literally translating Hebrew. Satan was already at work in the early Church obfuscating  the clarity of God’s Word for the contradictory confusion of Man’s philosophical wisdom Just like modern man exchanges the clarity of science observation for confused scientisms that support schemes of globalized control. To grasp the dynamics of sin gives the believer better understanding of God at work in today’s world. Continue reading “Exchanging Light for Dark: Being Evil Gods”

Which Justice Does One Follow?

Government Laws Legitimized by Justice

Conservative Americans See Justice as Government;
Liberal Americans see Government as Justice Agent

In order to answer the question in our title, “Which Justice Dose One Follow?“, one must first define justice less we also violate the Law of Identity and conflate justice with whatever goal is desired; a common and often intentional error of politicians, reporters and so-called change agents. Merriam-Webster defines justice as, “…maintenance or administration of what is just especially by the impartial adjustment of conflicting claims or the assignment of merited rewards or punishments.” As impressive sounding as it appears this definition does not define justice; it simply kicks the can down the road by using the word, just. The reader still must read his, or her, own meaning into the definition. America’s Department of Justice (DOJ) defines its mission, “…enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and to ensure fair and…” blah, blah, and blah. Again, this is not a definition of justice, only rhetoric about enforcing government’s laws in a just manner. My son had the clearest definition, “To retaliate against those who break the laws of government equally;” or Lex Talionis, law of retaliation or claw though most often known as, “eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth.” Often quoted from the Bible (Ex 21:23–27) though no examples of its implementation are found; yet, it is a prominent feature in Hammurabi’s Law Codex. Continue reading “Which Justice Does One Follow?”

Science Says Pandemic Destroying Normal Economies

Covid-19 Death Rates Fallacy
Statistical Covid-19 Death Rates {Science Data}
Governments Claim to be Governed by Science Data

Science Says Pandemic Destroying Normal Economies, title is factually and logically incorrect! Science is a methodology for data collection; it yields data, not information which is data analysis. Scientists must be defined, and usually is not, to determine if these people are qualified in the specific discipline necessary to perform data collection and analysis. Finally, the Covid-19 (SARS-2) is an infection and as such cannot implement governmental policies that have decimated normal economic growth world-wide. This type of sloppy thinking possess for logic today and is the reason people are being easily controlled with their consent. Continue reading “Science Says Pandemic Destroying Normal Economies”