“As Above, So Below” Ignores God

Digital Ourboros

“As Above, So Below” Ignores God;
Denying God’s Truth Proves Bible’s True

The line, As Above, So Below, is a simplified version of the opening text from the Emerald Tablet, by Hermes Trismegistus, the thrice glorified. Sir Isaac Newton, considered the Father of Astrophysics, was a serious student of Hermeticism and translated this document, among many others. Those modern people who claim to be ruled by science must admit that scientists are ruled by their religious beliefs, like Sir Isaac Newton who disbelieved in the Trinity believing that Roman Catholicism had long ago been corrupted by Gnosticism which viewed the physical as inferior or negative. Hermeticism views the physical in a positive manner with God, as it defines, the source of all energies rather than another property of matter under certain conditions. This views acknowledges the mysterious property of energy which modern scientists tend to ignore while waxing eloquently about energies based on their properties and ignoring its actual essence. Science springs from Hermeticism because its early practitioners, such as Newton, believed it while forming their theories of how the world worked; i.e., natural philosophy. It is always about religion! Continue reading ““As Above, So Below” Ignores God”

Religion in Politics Unmasked

Trump Shaman Rioter

Religion in Politics Unmasked
Gnostic Shaman Rioting for Trump

The riots by so-called President Trump supporters showed the naivety of President Trump and Christians who found themselves suddenly linked with demons because they conflated God’s Kingdom for man’s, actually Satan’s, kingdom (1Co 10:20; 2Co 6:14-15). Christians are not to rebel nor break the law so that good may come; this is deceitful pragmatism and good can never come from evil (Ro 3:8; 13:1-7). Suddenly, they found themselves linked together with the Viking Man, a self-proclaimed gnostic white magic shaman or medicine man, and bearing responsibility for a woman who was killed during these riots. This riot was used of Satan to unmasked those insidious religious elements to discredit President Trump and Christians to those caught in his delusion (2Th 2:3-12).

Gnosticism Confuses Christians

Spencer Smith’s Ministry Rightly Concludes
Left-Right & Liberal-Conservative are Lost Views

I have longed maintained that one is ALWAYS in a religious, worship, state; it is the source of one’s values; i.e., what one defines as right and wrong. The lost are asebeia, ungodly; thus, they define right and wrong apart from God. However, they are disingenuous because they rob from God’s Moral Law since it is in everyone’s nature as all are made in God’s image (Ge 1:26-27; Ex 20:1-17; Ro 1:18-28). Christians, who now have God’s New Nature, New Covenant, are to embrace His Moral Law as a guide to their maturation in Christ; however, too many cling to their lost worldviews demonstrating their immaturity (He 5:11-14). It is common fallacy to build one’s doctrine on a verse rather than search the Scriptures to understand the whole mind of God (Ro 12:1-2; 2Ti 3:16-17). Spencer Smith {Don’t Fall For the Yang Gang.} correctly links the religion behind American politics. I do not doubt this holds true for all other political systems but it beyond the scope of this post. Notice the Gnostic symbol of Yin-Yang {Dark-Light} which Satan propagates as necessary for balance in life. Of course, this is the lie of Satan as Dark always seeks to destroy Light (Mt 6:22-23; Jn 1:1-5; 8:44). All governments belong to and are controlled by Satan! Jesus acknowledged this (Mt 4:8-10). This was also revealed to Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel in their respective visions (Da 2:31-45; 7:1-8, 15-18). For Christians to actively support one candidate or party or even government as superior to another embraces the error of Post Millennialism; the belief that Christians are to change the world for Jesus so He will return and praise them. Nowhere is this demonstrated in Scripture; Revelation clearly shows that Christ returns to subdue the governments and protect His people (Re 19:11-21).

God's Kingdom vs Gnosticism

Satan’s Governments Against God’s
As Abraham, We Work for His Kingdom

Christians are to work to spread the Gospel of new covenant salvation: One Believer at a Time; Great Commission (Mt 28:18-20). Christians are to pray for peace so they may spread the Gospel (1Ti 2:1-4; 1Pe 2:17). Government, as an instrument of Satan, is against God’s truth; indeed, it does not even understand God’s truth for it is asebeia (Jn 18:33-38). The much worshipped President Reagan used Christians {Moral Majority} to get elected and then ignored them when subsequent analysis suggested they were not that influential (The evangelical presidency: Reagan’s dangerous love affair with the Christian right. salon.). Scripture clearly teaches that one is for God or for Satan; for His kingdom or for the world (Mt 6:24; Ro 6:16; Ja 4:4). Working for the world is NOT working for Christ; it is working for Satan. They are not helping Christ’s cause, and to be honest He does not really need our help; they are hurting themselves for they will stand before Christ’s judgment seat (2Co 5:10).

Sinisterism Used by Satan

Shifting Lie: Heart of Satan’s Pragmatism
Methodology Proving You Are Wrong

Shifting Lie is the concept that one’s truth is constantly shifting based on one’s current worldview; or Postmodernism in its basic form. In Orwellian language this was known as Newspeak and Doublethink or today’s Doublespeak (What is DoubleSpeak? Thought Co.). Doublespeak pretends to communicate but obfuscates instead. It exchanges truth for lies to deceive the simple, the foolish, the unwary and the ignorant. It literally changes right to wrong and wrong to right whenever convenient for political gain. Even the very basis of its so-called fundamental tenets are as shifting smoke. As the above graphic demonstrates, there is no absolute or concrete truth or central tenet; there is only the current message. This message is based on what is believed necessary to gain greater power and control over everyone else. This is the fundamental pragmatic political approach being used in American politics. Nearly every single politician whose lips are moving are lying to further their own gain at your expense. They are of their father the devil or they would not waver or change truth to fit their circumstances.

According to President Trump and many Conservative talking heads and commentators, the Democrats have been primarily guilty of this tactic and thus stole the election. When court after court refused to hear any charge of fraudulent voting, people espousing the conservative cause believed they had no recourse except public demonstration of protest; however, since this was unorganized certain elements entered the fray. The protest changed from a demonstration to a riot supporting whatever cause happened to catch the camera and the fancy of both the press and the opposition. These fringe elements defined the face of President Trump supporters and any support for his cause vanished. Satan works in this fashion among the weak, ignorant and immature.

Molon Labe Slogan

Second Amendment or Gun Rights
Next Lost Cause to Discredit the Opposition

The American Constitution’s Second Amendment does give Americans the right to bear arms. However, any law of man can also be unmade. The philosophy that these are God-given rights has no basis in Scripture. In fact, Christ spoke to the use of arms in rebellion (Mt 26:47-56). Those who use arms in rebellion are not doing God’s will but following Satan’s plan. Today’s rallying cry, “Molon Labe – Come and Take Them,” is quoted from a Spartan king who believed neither in God nor liberty; except for Spartan citizens. This is also not the cause for Christians to join. They will lose and find themselves in rebellion (1Sa 15:23). Rebellion is alway rebellion against God. Did not Jesus tell Peter that He could have angels intervene but then God’s plan would be destroyed. This would have been sin on Jesus’ part making Him ineligible to be the sacrifice for sin. There would be salvation for NO ONE!

Christ could come back at anytime. The Father could send Him back at anytime. If it was within His will, He could stop this insanity at any moment. But, He has others to save. He is allowing Satan and sinners to remake the political world in their image apart from Him. They are insuring their own doom despite the living examples of submissive Christians whom they plunder for their own gain. We are to aspire to live as Abraham, father of all saved. We are to look for a city to come for then Christ will not be ashamed to identified with us (He 11:13-16). Many Old Testament saints died for their faith and if Christ tarries many Christians may also die for His faith but to be dead here is to be with the Lord (2Co 5:6-9; He 11:32-40). Let us be found faithful for Satan will always find us in the wrong.

Hopelessness of the Force

Hopelessness and Fear of Pantheism

Ancient Paganism is Modern New Age Gnosticism
Ruled by Fate: Socialistic Slavery and Hopeless Death

Marriage of pantheism and science fiction (sci fi) in the Star Wars franchise has propagandized multiple generations into this great New Age characterized by the Hopelessness of the Force. Though these movies glossed over any real definition of what the Force was, or is; the underlying message was hopelessness and helplessness before those who could manage the Force {one never truly controls the Force}. The one supposed hero gives the alert viewer the truth: The Force feeds on the Hope of those who use it until all are defeated in fear and death. This is the true message of all the many forms of Pantheism: Gnosticism, New Agism, Transhumanism, etc. In ancient Mesopotamian culture this was called simtu, while today we follow the Greco-Roman tradition and simply call it Fate. This is the Force behind all Pantheisms; an inescapable Fate of Death: Nihilism at its best.
Continue reading “Hopelessness of the Force”