Control Wealth to Control People

Control of Wealth is Control of Government
Unwise Spending Destroys Government

Americans are poorly taught, probably purposefully, about the relationship of money to wealth and of money to government control; i.e., to Control Wealth is to Control People. Samuel detailed to the early Israelites the dangers of wealth to government control (1Sa 8:9-22). God through Moses warned the Hebrews that government should not control too much wealth, military technology or entangling alliances; they were to be different from all other kingdoms evidenced by their submission to God (De 17:14-20). Solomon, who was supposed to be wise, ignored all warnings, overburdened the people as Samuel warned and caused the kingdom to be divided after his death (1Ki 10:23-11:13). This self-destruction of national sovereignty would plague empires in the ancient world and find disciples in the modern world who seek globalization via the control of wealth. Continue reading “Control Wealth to Control People”

Satan’s Everything Conspiracy Theory (SECT)

For any Conspiracy to be Successful
It must Control access to Information

 Conspiracy theories abound and the term has become a pejorative label against those who use it; however, in our post I shall show that there is an overarching conspiracy theory: Satan’s Everything Conspiracy Theory (SECT). Rachel Maddow had a unique, though honest defense in court: she is not a real journalist; however, since journalist was not defined we really do not understand what she was denying { . Maddow’s “I’m Not a Real Journalist” Defense Prevails in Court. CERNO}. This is important! For any conspiracy to work information must be controlled but in such a manner that it cannot be seen as controlling until it is too late to prevent its success.  I shall present several examples of how information is controlled and then proceed to illuminate spiritual forces at work controlling everything {they think} (Ep 6:11-12; 2TH 2:3-12)
Continue reading “Satan’s Everything Conspiracy Theory (SECT)”

Pathway to American Impoverishment

King Solomon’s Errors Mirror
Errors America Embraces Today

America is not ancient Israel, a theocracy, but there are examples from ancient Israel that can teach the discerning reader the errors of today’s nations. King Solomon was the richest king of his time for specific reasons. Nearly all the Late Bronze Age kingdoms had collapsed; even Egypt and Assyria were greatly weakened. Israel under David had subdued or absorbed all her rivals in Canaan giving her both peace and monopolistic control of the regrowing trade routes through Canaan. Yet, Solomon squandered the peace, wealth and wisdom given him so that united Israel did not last after his death. This is a lesson for America today as she continues on the Pathway to American Impoverishment. Continue reading “Pathway to American Impoverishment”

How the West Broke Itself Reflexively

Reflexivity or Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Breaking Western Economies/Societies

Reflexivity may be a new work to most people but the philosophy was developed by Dr. Popper and refined by Mr. Soros who used the concept to break the Bank of England on Black Wednesday, 16 September 1992 (Theory of Reflexivity George Soros – Predicting Financial Markets). Reflexivity is simple the propagation of subjective reality, read: lies, to influence others to an action favorable to yourself. People reacting on these lies make the action come true; thus, a self-fulfilling prophecy. The individual lies that support the reflexive goal are called fertile fallacies. Lies built on supporting lies propagated by willing or unwilling sources become the new normal when believed by key people. Once a critical mass of people believe the reflexive lie, it becomes the new truth. Welcome to the Covid-19 Panic of 2020.
Continue reading “How the West Broke Itself Reflexively”

The Sky is Falling Cataclysm! True!

Origins of Noah’s Flood Coming to Light
Science Catching up to the Bible, Again!

Chicken Little ran around the farm yard screaming, “The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” Cock Robin flew up into a tall tree and looked out over the countryside. “The sky is not falling,” he said disparagingly. Everything looked as it usually looked on a placid summer afternoon. By the same token, Greta Thunberg cried into the microphone, “Climate change will destroy my future! Does anybody care?” Her political backers and certain groups did care but not about catastrophe; their goal was political power unprecedented in world history. Yet, what if the truth of a coming cataclysm is true; is it in the Bible? Continue reading “The Sky is Falling Cataclysm! True!”

Is God the Tyrant of Heaven?

Theodicy Always Finds God Guilty
Blaming Him for the Evil of Man’s Sin

In Star Trek’s, The Cage, the alien with significant illusionary powers tells Captain Pike, “…wrong thinking will be punished; right thinking will be as quickly rewarded…{paraphrase}” Notice that in science fiction aliens become a substitute for God, gods or demons while noble mankind via science, knowledge, overcomes the superstitions of ancient civilizations? Is this true or is this propaganda designed to keep you from right thinking? Continue reading “Is God the Tyrant of Heaven?”

Shadows of Deceit

For a Society supposedly based on Science
Science is routinely rejected for Scientisms

I was struck by the awful truth of this statement coupled with my personal experience of trying to convince my contemporaries that they should obtain their Coronary Artery Calcium Score (CAC) rather than wait until they have that premature heart attack that permanently injures the heart. Nearly everyone I talked with scoffed at this even though I explained that I obtained my CAC and discovered I had significant Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) though I never had a single chest pain! People would rather die than exchange their truth, their worldview for a fact based truth. This holds true in every facet of this life. Plato understood this over two millennium ago.

Continue reading “Shadows of Deceit”

Addiction: Excusing Sin

Addiction is the Escapism of Sin
Behind the Scientism of Medicine

Addiction is a billion dollar industry that adds additional behaviors under its guise of applying scientific means to control these so-called addictive behaviors. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) in its Diagnostic Statistical Manual (5th Ed.) defines addiction as, “Addiction is a complex condition, a brain disease that is manifested by compulsive substance use despite harmful consequence. People with addiction (severe substance use disorder) have an intense focus on using a certain substance(s), such as alcohol or drugs, to the point that it takes over their life.” Later in the same article other forms of addiction are listed having nothing to do with substances: gambling and internet gaming for instance. The American Society of Addictive Medicine (ASAM) defines addiction as, “Addiction is a treatable, chronic medical disease involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual’s life experiences. People with addiction use substances or engage in behaviors that become compulsive and often continue despite harmful consequences.” Notice the key words in both definitions that removes responsibility for addiction from the individual: compulsive, chronic, medical disease, etc. Recidivism rates are so high that one cannot find reliable figures but instead find doublespeak terms that elude precise figures to hide the dismal failure of so-called rehabilitation treatment programs. In other words, there is little hope though there are a great many expensive programs touting a scientific rationale for its treatment approach; i.e., scientism. Nearly all of these programs eschew faith as the appropriate weapon for the ever mounting list of addictive behaviors forcing most churches to funnel their so-called addictive members into these failed programs. The implicit message: The Bible does not work. Continue reading “Addiction: Excusing Sin”

Postmillennialism Unchained or False Hopes

Postmillennialism Resurgence: A
False Hope of Bettering the World?

Postmillennialism is the belief that the Church Age will percolate through the various societies ushering in a glorious age of peace throughout the world. This view competes with Amillennialism, belief all things continue as they have also had until Christ returns, for dominance in mainline denominations. The 20th century opened with many Christians believing in Postmillennialism, until it was crushed by the slaughter of the Great War (Part One) otherwise known in America as World War One. Postmillennialism is one of those beliefs that simply will not go away. It is a case of, hope springs eternal. Continue reading “Postmillennialism Unchained or False Hopes”

Behind the Joker’s Mask

Joker Movie Disturbing Due to Truthful
Revelation That He is Anyone, Now

One of the clearest and most disturbing revelations in Scripture is not in Revelation but in Second Thessalonians (2Th 2:3-12). Societies have rejected Christ as Savior choosing to live a nihilistic philosophy that is incoherent, illogical and deliberately anti-Bible. They are content in this endeavor because they accept the delusion that God allows Satan to send to them which condemns them as it shows their true nature. The Joker movie is disturbing to many not because of its violence, far less than most action movies these days, but for its honesty. The Joker is not the exception; he is the rule. Continue reading “Behind the Joker’s Mask”