Fasc-ism: Us-ism over You-ism Social-ism

Marx's Socialism Led to Fascism

Fasc-ism: Us-ism over You-ism Social-ism;
Enigma of Fascism Arises from Marx’s Ignorance

My previous post, Fascism: New Term for Old Government-Socialism, sought to cover Fascism from Adam to today from a government-centric perspective. However, this is also a modernistic bias cooked into our discussion. For most of human history, there were no differences in governmental forms, merely differences in ethnicities evidenced by religi0-moral forms; i.e., state-sponsored gods. This form reached its apex in the Roman Empire but remained seriously lacking in power and scope to Control the world. With the gradual collapse of the Western Roman Empire I believe Satan reset the entire Western culture which is today known as the Dark Ages or Medieval Period. From the Renaissance through the Reformation into the Enlightenment, Age of Reason, differing governmental forms appeared: republic-democracies and secular scientisms as nation-states. These antagonistic forms competed to determine which could discovery and apply technologies as well as advance the most vital aspect of any empire: fiscal control. This post will look at quotes from three different social-government-fiscal philosophers to understand Fascism. Continue reading “Fasc-ism: Us-ism over You-ism Social-ism”

Bills of Rights Fallacies that Enslave You

U.S. Bill of Rights

Bills of Rights Fallacies that Enslave You;
Bills of Rights 
Limit Your So-Called Human Rights

The delegates called together to fix the Articles of Confederation ignored their mandate and illegally committed a bloodless coup d’état which today is known as the Constitution. However despite the propaganda efforts of Madison and Hamilton, Federalist Papers, States would not accept the new government without amendments that would further limit government power over the individual; this became known as The Bill of Rights. The Constitution with the attached Bill of Rights had the appearance of limiting government without limiting individuals. However, Hamilton and his constituency placed three clauses later used to undermine government limitations via the Supreme Court and later the Executive Branch {Dilorenze, T. Hamilton’s Curse. Three Rivers Press. New York. 2008.}. Abraham Lincoln basically suspended these Rights during his Civil War and was still praised as saving the Union! He proved the dictum, “What the government giveth, the government taketh away {Apologies to Job} (Job 1:21; 2:10)!” Continue reading “Bills of Rights Fallacies that Enslave You”

Seeing They Will NOT See Yet Demand Fiscal Destruction

Credit Expansion-Contraction Club

Seeing They Will NOT See Yet Demand Fiscal Destruction
How Central Bank {Fed} Preparing for Great Reset

Isaiah was told by God that during his long ministry almost no one would believe him and turn to the Lord for salvation, “Keep on hearing, but do not understand; keep on seeing, but do not perceive…” (Isa 6:8-10). While this was recognized as true several centuries later by Paul, we can still see this truism at work even outside salvation’s truth (Ro 11:7-8). My post, How Central Banks Control Everything via Credit, shows why central banks, Federal Reserve System (Fed) for America, use credit {Think: Debt} to gain control over governments and ultimately over YOU! America has experienced several major ups and downs since the Fed was created to prevent these cycles; however, that was just the preliminary; now, the Fed has signaled that a major crash is coming! Guess what? It incidentally coincides with the World Economic Forum’s advocacy of a Great Reset of world societies by 2030 {See: United Nations 2030 Agenda. Recipe for Socialism.}. Continue reading “Seeing They Will NOT See Yet Demand Fiscal Destruction”

Incoherence of Evil’s Balance: Except My Own!

Why the Ignorant Think Themselves so Smart

Incoherence of Evil’s Balance: Except My Own!
Dunning-Kruger Curve Applied to Good-Evil Balance

My previous post, Innocence of Evil, sought to explain why Christians can still sin. In fact, I sought to explain why people ignore their own evil, sin, while judging evilness in others. However, this post may have been too esoteric for many. No one believes themselves to be evil; therefore, to get people to grasp their own inherent evilness is incoherent to many. Remember, the purpose of one’s worldview is to make YOU the hero of your own story. Any suggestion that you are indeed evil is unfathomable, incoherent, illogical. Your worldview makes it so; thus, you are captive to a delusion of your own making. Since all begin life as children of Satan, all worldviews are patterned after his own delusional worldview (Jn 8:44; 2Th 2:3-12). This post approaches this subject from a different perspective; i.e., the balance of evil. Continue reading “Incoherence of Evil’s Balance: Except My Own!”

Robotic Entryism: Screen to Dream to Dystopian Reality

Entryism Reflexivity Fertile Fallacies Strategy

Robotic Entryism: Screen to Dream to Dystopia;
Revealed in Metropolis Movie; Ignored by Masses

As I discussed in my previous post, Entryism: Balaam to Inquisitions to Today,  Entryism is the infiltration of a major group by a lesser group to achieve the lesser group’s goals. Entryism works in conjunction with Reflexivity and Fertile Fallacies, both of which are lies, so that people’s action are altered to make the lies become true; self fulfilling prophecy. Let us apply Entryism to Robotics to determine the true goal from the propaganda goal designed for your acceptance of your own enslavement (Ro 6:6-11). Continue reading “Robotic Entryism: Screen to Dream to Dystopian Reality”

Entryism: Balaam to Inquisitions to Today

Don Quixote Inquisition Defense

Entryism: Balaam to Inquisitions to Today;
Swaying YOU to Choose Socialism and Slavery

Another day, another new term and another bridge to die on so it seems; except, there is nothing new under the sun (Ec 1:9-12). Our new word, old concept, for today is entryism {What does entryism mean? The New Statesman (UK ed.) 10 Aug 2016.}. Its modern iteration is traced back to Mr. Trotsky who folded his Communist League into the Socialist Party to take Control of the latter (1934); i.e., “any group that enters a larger organisation with the intention of subverting its policies and objectives.” How does this mesh with the fictional work, Don Quixote? Miguel de Cervantes, author, wrote of a man ready to face the Inquisition to defend his work of a delusional man who could not face reality; a man who appeared to see the best in others while not understanding the reality of his position until it so intruded so forcibly into his consciousness that he died rather than face himself. Most people today, to the delight of Satan who remains a shadow in the background, choose to live within their given delusion than understand Truth (2Th 2:3-12; Re 12:9). What is Truth (Jn 18:37-38)? Pilate asked Christ because he could not grasp God’s truth of life. He chose death when he condemned Christ to death to please the False Jews, and save himself (Jn 19:12-16). Let us view entryism in history: biblical and secular as if there were a difference. Continue reading “Entryism: Balaam to Inquisitions to Today”

Universal Income IS Government Control! Which Government?

Universal Income Missing Key Element

Universal Income IS Government Control!
Which Government? Do YOU Care?

Years ago I was a wee lad in government controlled public education as were the majority of children. However, I was different. My father was a military man and transferred to a colloquial county in a somewhat Southern state. I had already been to Germany and started grade school in DOD schools in Japan. My experiences were vastly different from those of my class mates who had barely ventured out of the county. I was different and I stuttered; thus, I was classified as mentally retarded, term used in those days. I was ostracized by the students and the administration; singled out for public ridicule and physical abuse for nothing more than being different. I had no support even from my parents who were also colloquial in their own way. It was a terrible experience I hoped never to relive; except, today I am reliving it again on a massive scale. Government Control demands everyone be the same and seeks to root out those who are different with the express intention of making them the same or negating their affect on society {Removing them}. For me it is, Deja vu! Continue reading “Universal Income IS Government Control! Which Government?”

America: Home of BioTerrorism

Most Modern Weapon of Mass Destruction

America: Home of BioTerrorism;
America Allied with Communist China

Americans have been taught by public education to believe that the United States was the home of the brave and by extension, the free. Public education, coupled with information control {Propaganda} has been the home of Gramsci-style Socialism throughout the 20th century while masquerading as free. Two great Socialism powers, America and Communist China {ChiCom} partnered to give a natural virus unnatural abilities. The basics can be found in Dr. Richard M. Fleming’s book, Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon? {Skyhorse Publishing. New York. 2021.}. “We have met the enemy and he is US” {This Day in Quotes. Pogo Comic Strip.}. Continue reading “America: Home of BioTerrorism”

Black Tragedy of the Road Not Taken

Clear Choice of Advancement

Black Tragedy of the Road Not Taken;
Economic Freedom vs Equality Slavery

In my last post, Hegelian Roots of Wokeness Religion, I developed the contradiction that the modern black movement built upon the works of Germanic, white philosophers {White Man’s Philosophy Core of Black Socialist Racism.}. I promised to, “…show how later adherents reinterpreted Hegel to put socialism back on track without totally discrediting Marx’s contributions….and to show the importance of the volkgeist into mobilizing the blacks into endorsing their own continued slavery.” It is important to discuss the development of black volkgeist before proceeding into Black Lives Matter socialistic roots since it is primarily a black religion espousing socialism than a socialism built on a moralizing religion. To grasp the completeness of historical choice I could do no better than use Robert Frost’s poem, The Road Not Taken. Continue reading “Black Tragedy of the Road Not Taken”

White Man’s Philosophy Core of Black Socialist Racism

Portland Education System Displaying Socialism
As Anti-White Racism Showing Their Ignorance

This video shows excerpts from the British Lotus Eaters Podcast showing a meeting of a group of Portland {Oregon} school officials-teachers. This British podcast group provides analysis and commentary on current events in the world with their primary focus on events affecting Britain, America and Europe. These woked folks include all the proper virtue signaling expected for racial socialists except for knowledge of history and some old fashion common sense. In their eagerness to appear cutting edge in social correctness they reveal their intention to eliminate everyone who disagrees with their vision for the future. However, if you watch this video to the end you will discover the true nihilistic, irrational basis for their woked philosophy. Continue reading “White Man’s Philosophy Core of Black Socialist Racism”