POW/MIA: The Few, The Proud, The Betrayed

Unspoken Contract Between America and
It’s Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen

The unspoken contract between America, indeed any nation, is that it will never abandon those who fight for their country. America has asked, nay, demanded {draft} that its citizens fight for the interests the nation considers important. In return the nation is to never abandon nor forget those who were captured in the performance of their missions. However, as evidence mounts to the heavens it has become clear that America will not hesitate to abandon its fighting forces to secure a temporary peace. Continue reading “POW/MIA: The Few, The Proud, The Betrayed”

Looking at Labor on Labor Day

Slavery was endemic to the Ancient
World probably since days of Cain

Slavery was endemic to the Ancient World for one very salient reason: many occupations were not productive unless a large and cheap labor force was available. Agriculture, mining, artisan production and even wealthy households could not function without a cheap labor supply. With the emphasis on cheap slave labor was the usual source of cheap labor. Certainly it was one of the goals of conquest to capture a large labor supply for the conqueror and any surplus was sold abroad. Life for a slave could range from very brutal conditions, gallery oarsman, to very comfortable conditions, steward of a wealthy house hold like Joseph in Egypt (Ge 39:1-5). Without slavery the Ancient World would not have developed and our lives would be very different today. Continue reading “Looking at Labor on Labor Day”

Astroturfing the Internet

Crowd Screamed, “Crucify Him!”
It appeared majority had spoken

Pilat could find no crime worthy of death; yet, Jesus was brought to him for just this purpose. He finally appealed to the crowd, tyranny of the majority, to determine Christ’s sentence. The crowd of hundreds if not thousands seemed a legitimate sample of the people. Thus, Christ was condemned. However, today we would call this astroturfing and I see it as another means of reflexivity (Reflexivity: Legitimizing the Illegitimate). Continue reading “Astroturfing the Internet”

Another School Shooting-Another Blame Game

Another School Shooting Means
Another Round of the Blame Game

The latest school shooting, this time in Texas, means the Gun Control crowd trots out its tired media blitz to hammer away at the American Constitution’s Second Amendment. The opposing group bangs out its same ole message of “more government control” to prevent unstable people from obtaining guns! There are two issues never discussed. First, both sides insist that more government control is the answer to gun violence. Second, the true underlying cause is never discussed; the failure of psychological scientism and man’s underlying sin condition. The first is ignored while the second is denied. Thus, the increasing violence will continue regardless of which path “wins” the discussion.
Continue reading “Another School Shooting-Another Blame Game”

Shoe on the Other Foot Not So Good

Sex Ed Always a Controversial Topic
Is Politicized by State Involvement

As a Christian, as a parent, as a healthcare provider I am appalled with the state mandating sex ed (education) in the public schools. Yet, I am not surprised as it was Christians who initiated and promulgated public schools to push a Protestant {Christian} agenda in the 19th century. Now that the shoe is on the other foot it does not feel so good.
Continue reading “Shoe on the Other Foot Not So Good”

What Jumanji Teaches Today

Jumanji demonstrates the power of movies
as propagators of approved cultural values

Movies not only emulate culture but they also presage culture based upon the worldviews of the producers, directors, writers and actors. Movies from their inception were used as powerful propaganda purveyors {Birth of a Nation. 1915.}This movie appealed to President Wilson who promoted the goals of the Klu Klux Klan (KKK) giving it impetus that nearly dominated American culture into the 1950s. Such is the power of movies!
Continue reading “What Jumanji Teaches Today”

The Madness of Labels

Most Christians reading this post would probably
describe themselves thusly, and be wrong!

It is a sad fact of life that all of us use labels which we really do not define nor understand just because of convenience and educated ignorance. This is certainly true of the labels: conservative and liberal {conservatism and liberalism}. In today’s post we will quickly look at the meaning of these labels, why they shifted in meaning, somewhat, and how they distract us from the Gospel which is out only mission on earth.
Continue reading “The Madness of Labels”

Reflexivity: Legitimizing the Illegitimate

Mr. Soros coined the term Reflexivity to Legitimize
Using false info to achieve the goal-Globalization

Building on our last post (Intolerance of Tolerance of Christians) Dr. Popper {London School of Economics} gained a disciple, Mr. George Soros, who added to Dr. Popper’s theories by developing his Theory of Reflexivity. This theory became another major tool to achieve the goal of Open Societies otherwise known as globalization. At its most fundamental this theory legitimizes the use of false information to influence and achieve one’s goal; i.e., lying is okay if it helps you to reach the goal. Obviously this directly violates the Ninth Word {Commandment} against lying (Ex 20:16). Continue reading “Reflexivity: Legitimizing the Illegitimate”

Intolerance of Tolerance of Christians

Karl Popper Defined the Tolerance Paradox
Setting Limits to the Ideas of Others (1945)

Dr. Karl Popper, one of the early philosopher/economists at the London School of Economics (See: Progressivism to Gradualism to Socialism to Globalism), defined the limits of tolerance in what he called, The Paradox of Tolerance (1945). This was his major contribution to the furtherance of Open Societies {originally developed by Henri Bergson (1932)}. Dr. Popper taught that one cannot be tolerant of  ideas opposed to the development of the open societies concept. Thus, he sought to legitimize intolerance to the ideas of others becoming one of the major stratagems used today, especially by the political-media complex.  Continue reading “Intolerance of Tolerance of Christians”

The Average Voter is Lost

Democracy is Predicated on a Myth
An Aggregation of Voters Find Truth

Democracy teaches its citizens that as a group they filter out error via majority rule; nowhere is this a stronger belief than in America though history reveals this to not be the case. Ergo, it is a popularly believed myth that substitutes its own fallacies for truth, especially during presidential election years.
Continue reading “The Average Voter is Lost”