Democracy: Socialism by Mob Rule {Antifa}

Early Antifa: French Revolution Mob

Democracy: Socialism by Mob Rule {Antifa};
Mob Rule Guided by General Will of the State

In my previous post, Father of the Never Ending Revolution, I briefly discuss the true legacy of Rousseau and the triad on which he built his bloody legacy.. He, more than Locke, represented the actual legacy of The Enlightenment; though both legacies ended in revolutions and neither were of God as some teach. The French Revolution would not have continued had it not been for Mob power directed by the General Will rooting out all those considered antithetical to Revolutionary values: Liberty; Equality and Fraternity {French Revolution: A study of Mob Rule and its elite #Antifa #MarxistRevolution. The Herald Report.}. Since the Revolution did not end, neither did the use of the Mob. The face of the Mob changed from Phrygian capped peasants to black garmented Antifa enforcers promoting the General Will at every level. Welcome to our reality. Continue reading “Democracy: Socialism by Mob Rule {Antifa}”

NASA Science or Scientismic Propaganda

NASA Climate Propaganda

NASA Science or Scientismic Propaganda;
Control Information: Control Obedience

Recently I became aware of NASA’s Global Climate Change blog. I grew up in the early days of space exploration with NASA being the epitome of science: pure and applied. However, we should not and cannot forget that NASA is a government agency and that for the greater portion of the 20th century government has been slowly Controlling scientific research via funding. This means that government only funds those projects that it believes will support its agenda. The Space Race was not about putting people on the Moon; that was for public consumption and support. The Space Race was about weaponizing space for intelligence and war since the days of Sputnik {How Did Sputnik Affect the Cold War? Find Any Answer.}. NASA was born in those early days and its basic agenda has not changed: Intelligence and War. This is the reality of government and Space and Science: Control. Continue reading “NASA Science or Scientismic Propaganda”

Illusion of Choice in Voting

Voting is Democracy's Ultimate Illusion of Choice

Illusion of Choice in Voting;
Democracy’s Ultimate Control

Nothing more defines modern Western culture and nations as democracy with voting as the major methodology by which people are able to express their will and Control their government(s). Nothing more says illusion as the act of voting which occasionally gives the appearance of choice. Our last post, Hidden Enemy We Love, discussed the role of psychology in manufacturing this illusion; however, it is not the only card in Satan’s deck of delusions (2Th 2:3-12). This post will examine three fallacies of voting to express one’s will or Control of government. Continue reading “Illusion of Choice in Voting”

Pope Ain’t The Antichrist

Luther Set Tone: Pope is Antichrist

Pope as Antichrist Born in Protestantism;
Luther Speak from Bible or Prejudice?

Roman Catholicism (RCC) ruled the Western Christian world for nearly a millennium. Except for The Great Schism (1064) which saw the split of Greek Orthodoxy split from RCC to prevail in the East, doctrine was pretty much decided by the Pope. However, Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses (1517) became the rift between RCC and the protesters who disagreed from the Pope on some relatively minor issues. This movement grew to become Protestantism which quickly broke along nationalistic lines as the various factions sought protection from the new nation-states and the same states sought legitimacy from their new religions from the tyranny of RCC dominance. Luther was known as the father of the movement and his pronouncements carried great weight. Even over 500 years later many Protestant, and Baptist denominations still consider the Pope the Antichrist. This has gained resurgence in light of today’s world changing political-social climates and many leaders claiming the end is near! Is it? Does the Bible support this assertion? Or, is this simply Luther’s papal prejudice lasting for generations without foundation? Continue reading “Pope Ain’t The Antichrist”

Marriage: Training for Control Violence

Legitimizes Control via Manipulation

I Love Lucy used Comedy to
Legitimize Manipulation as Control

My last post, Anatomy of All Conflict: Marriage, discussed the true biblical origins of both sin and marital conflict for control but in a somewhat philosophical fashion. This post will look at how this plays out in modern life through entertainment; specifically, comedy which is often considered benign but in fact is an effective disguise for control conflict training and justification. Continue reading “Marriage: Training for Control Violence”

History: Preparing You for Their Future

History as Propaganda

Government Eugenics Propaganda;
Repackaged as Family Genetic Testing

In our study of Control and Power in the Bible involving both God and Satan; we must include one of the oldest uses of propaganda, information control; i.e., History: Preparing You for Their Future. By Their Future I mean the Elitists for Satan and his demons. The Elitists who are merely physical puppet stand-ins believing they are in control when in fact they are simply trading their services for scrapes from Satan’s coming rule via his primary slave; Antichrist (Re 13:1-10). Remember, whatever you worship is the source of your moral values; it is either God or Satan (De 32:17; 1Co 10:20). There is no third option; one either walks in the Light or is captive to the Dark: shades of gray are merely degrees of Darkness (Jn 1:1-18). Continue reading “History: Preparing You for Their Future”

Religion in Politics Unmasked

Trump Shaman Rioter

Religion in Politics Unmasked
Gnostic Shaman Rioting for Trump

The riots by so-called President Trump supporters showed the naivety of President Trump and Christians who found themselves suddenly linked with demons because they conflated God’s Kingdom for man’s, actually Satan’s, kingdom (1Co 10:20; 2Co 6:14-15). Christians are not to rebel nor break the law so that good may come; this is deceitful pragmatism and good can never come from evil (Ro 3:8; 13:1-7). Suddenly, they found themselves linked together with the Viking Man, a self-proclaimed gnostic white magic shaman or medicine man, and bearing responsibility for a woman who was killed during these riots. This riot was used of Satan to unmasked those insidious religious elements to discredit President Trump and Christians to those caught in his delusion (2Th 2:3-12).

Gnosticism Confuses Christians

Spencer Smith’s Ministry Rightly Concludes
Left-Right & Liberal-Conservative are Lost Views

I have longed maintained that one is ALWAYS in a religious, worship, state; it is the source of one’s values; i.e., what one defines as right and wrong. The lost are asebeia, ungodly; thus, they define right and wrong apart from God. However, they are disingenuous because they rob from God’s Moral Law since it is in everyone’s nature as all are made in God’s image (Ge 1:26-27; Ex 20:1-17; Ro 1:18-28). Christians, who now have God’s New Nature, New Covenant, are to embrace His Moral Law as a guide to their maturation in Christ; however, too many cling to their lost worldviews demonstrating their immaturity (He 5:11-14). It is common fallacy to build one’s doctrine on a verse rather than search the Scriptures to understand the whole mind of God (Ro 12:1-2; 2Ti 3:16-17). Spencer Smith {Don’t Fall For the Yang Gang.} correctly links the religion behind American politics. I do not doubt this holds true for all other political systems but it beyond the scope of this post. Notice the Gnostic symbol of Yin-Yang {Dark-Light} which Satan propagates as necessary for balance in life. Of course, this is the lie of Satan as Dark always seeks to destroy Light (Mt 6:22-23; Jn 1:1-5; 8:44). All governments belong to and are controlled by Satan! Jesus acknowledged this (Mt 4:8-10). This was also revealed to Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel in their respective visions (Da 2:31-45; 7:1-8, 15-18). For Christians to actively support one candidate or party or even government as superior to another embraces the error of Post Millennialism; the belief that Christians are to change the world for Jesus so He will return and praise them. Nowhere is this demonstrated in Scripture; Revelation clearly shows that Christ returns to subdue the governments and protect His people (Re 19:11-21).

God's Kingdom vs Gnosticism

Satan’s Governments Against God’s
As Abraham, We Work for His Kingdom

Christians are to work to spread the Gospel of new covenant salvation: One Believer at a Time; Great Commission (Mt 28:18-20). Christians are to pray for peace so they may spread the Gospel (1Ti 2:1-4; 1Pe 2:17). Government, as an instrument of Satan, is against God’s truth; indeed, it does not even understand God’s truth for it is asebeia (Jn 18:33-38). The much worshipped President Reagan used Christians {Moral Majority} to get elected and then ignored them when subsequent analysis suggested they were not that influential (The evangelical presidency: Reagan’s dangerous love affair with the Christian right. salon.). Scripture clearly teaches that one is for God or for Satan; for His kingdom or for the world (Mt 6:24; Ro 6:16; Ja 4:4). Working for the world is NOT working for Christ; it is working for Satan. They are not helping Christ’s cause, and to be honest He does not really need our help; they are hurting themselves for they will stand before Christ’s judgment seat (2Co 5:10).

Sinisterism Used by Satan

Shifting Lie: Heart of Satan’s Pragmatism
Methodology Proving You Are Wrong

Shifting Lie is the concept that one’s truth is constantly shifting based on one’s current worldview; or Postmodernism in its basic form. In Orwellian language this was known as Newspeak and Doublethink or today’s Doublespeak (What is DoubleSpeak? Thought Co.). Doublespeak pretends to communicate but obfuscates instead. It exchanges truth for lies to deceive the simple, the foolish, the unwary and the ignorant. It literally changes right to wrong and wrong to right whenever convenient for political gain. Even the very basis of its so-called fundamental tenets are as shifting smoke. As the above graphic demonstrates, there is no absolute or concrete truth or central tenet; there is only the current message. This message is based on what is believed necessary to gain greater power and control over everyone else. This is the fundamental pragmatic political approach being used in American politics. Nearly every single politician whose lips are moving are lying to further their own gain at your expense. They are of their father the devil or they would not waver or change truth to fit their circumstances.

According to President Trump and many Conservative talking heads and commentators, the Democrats have been primarily guilty of this tactic and thus stole the election. When court after court refused to hear any charge of fraudulent voting, people espousing the conservative cause believed they had no recourse except public demonstration of protest; however, since this was unorganized certain elements entered the fray. The protest changed from a demonstration to a riot supporting whatever cause happened to catch the camera and the fancy of both the press and the opposition. These fringe elements defined the face of President Trump supporters and any support for his cause vanished. Satan works in this fashion among the weak, ignorant and immature.

Molon Labe Slogan

Second Amendment or Gun Rights
Next Lost Cause to Discredit the Opposition

The American Constitution’s Second Amendment does give Americans the right to bear arms. However, any law of man can also be unmade. The philosophy that these are God-given rights has no basis in Scripture. In fact, Christ spoke to the use of arms in rebellion (Mt 26:47-56). Those who use arms in rebellion are not doing God’s will but following Satan’s plan. Today’s rallying cry, “Molon Labe – Come and Take Them,” is quoted from a Spartan king who believed neither in God nor liberty; except for Spartan citizens. This is also not the cause for Christians to join. They will lose and find themselves in rebellion (1Sa 15:23). Rebellion is alway rebellion against God. Did not Jesus tell Peter that He could have angels intervene but then God’s plan would be destroyed. This would have been sin on Jesus’ part making Him ineligible to be the sacrifice for sin. There would be salvation for NO ONE!

Christ could come back at anytime. The Father could send Him back at anytime. If it was within His will, He could stop this insanity at any moment. But, He has others to save. He is allowing Satan and sinners to remake the political world in their image apart from Him. They are insuring their own doom despite the living examples of submissive Christians whom they plunder for their own gain. We are to aspire to live as Abraham, father of all saved. We are to look for a city to come for then Christ will not be ashamed to identified with us (He 11:13-16). Many Old Testament saints died for their faith and if Christ tarries many Christians may also die for His faith but to be dead here is to be with the Lord (2Co 5:6-9; He 11:32-40). Let us be found faithful for Satan will always find us in the wrong.

Democracy: Antithesis of Justice

Democracy is NOT Justice

Populism-Democracy Reared its Ugly Head;
Overruling Law and Justice for Pragmatic Goals

President Trump’s term was capped the other day by a riot in the Capitol building that resulted in several deaths. First, since all informational services serve themselves, all details are submersed in propaganda messages: liberal and conservative; left and right; republicanism and socialism. No source is trustworthy. The only trustworthy message is that a riot occurred, it appeared to support President Trump, people died and President Trump was held accountable even by his own Vice President. Supposedly the people were having their say after the courts refused to hear any cases about voting corruption practices. The people, believing they were robbed of their voice, were going to have their say. Their message was lost in the midst of confused pandemonium and  government violence. This is the historical result of democracy: diminution of justice. Continue reading “Democracy: Antithesis of Justice”

Next Virus Pandemic: Digital Viruses

Digital Super Highway

Covid Virus Pandemic Forces
Next Pandemic: Digital Viruses

Our last post, Money: Measure of Value and Corruption Part Three, briefly discussed the necessity of iron-clad digital identification methodologies required to secure monetary stability. This post builds on this concept based on the Klaus Schwab’s Welcoming Remarks concerning cyber security demands to be implemented during the Great Reset. The Covid-19 virus so-called pandemic forced an increased reliance on digital communications at the small business and individual level as people were forced to work at home and propagandized to accept this freedom, so-called once the vaccines were available. Can we say, “Carrot and stick” guidance? (2Th 2:3-12).

Cyber {Digital} Viruses Have Showcased
Need for Global Security Requirements

While the world was fixated on the supposed Covid-19 virus pandemic and willingly forced into physical lockdowns which wrecked many local businesses, a cyber virus attack was also occurring in the background. People willingly accepted the facemarks of slavery as a necessary burden to buy necessities that were essentially being rationed by corporations rather than governments. National health departments held out the false hope that all would return to normal once everyone was vaccinated; though this end point constantly changed as Dr. Fauci recently admitted (Dr. Fauci Admits to Misleading the Public on Health Information. Townhall.). The Carrot: Accept the vaccine to return to some form of normalcy. The Stick: No proof of vaccination means one is barred from corporate services for the sake of the faceless others. Notice the change from government determining the parameters to the reliance on corporations such as grocery stores, airlines, etc. to set the parameters and restrict customers based on scientism standards; science has debunked the use of lockdowns and facemasks as barriers to spread of viral infections.

Failure to Accept Draconian Cyber Security
Will Result in Food and Power Shortages

Ii believed in March 2020, a major American cyber security firm, FireEye, had their Solar Winds software breached, supposedly from Russian sources, that created a backdoor into major Fortune 500 corporations and U.S. government departments such as: Defense; Homeland Security and National Security Agency (NSA) (The U.S. Government Spent Billions Failing To Defend Its Own Agencies From Cyberattacks. Reason.). The above videos give greater details as does the Ice Age Farmer in this video (The Cyber Pandemic Has Begun). Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum supports the Russian Cyber Polygon security firm to provide global cyber security only gives one pause to ask, “Was this a false flag operation pushing people to accept coming draconian security measures? The internet that promised increased freedom and access to uncensored information has instead become the primary means of controlling all information; even has begun fact-checking, read: censoring, their databases to comply with accepted understanding of history. Wikipedia has long censored their files to insure that only acceptable information is presentable. During the past presidential election Facebook, Twitter, and Google brazenly censored unacceptable information. This marriage of corporatism, information systems and the public’s increasing reliance on the internet is the perfect storm of propaganda and control.

Digital Controlling You

Marriage of Internet with CBDC,
Digital IDs inaugurates the Matrix

Americold, which is a major supplier of frozen foods and cold storage for vaccines, admitted that it was the victim of cyber security breaches and had to shut down until it could verify the integrity of its systems (Americold Corporation Downed by Cyber-Attack. Info Security.). Disrupting these major distribution points would disrupt food supplies causing panic amongst the people. Extrapolate these disruptions to public utilities such as power, water and communications. Pin-point internet disruptions could occur for those communities, read nations, that fail to comply with compulsory global cyber security measures. National CBDC demand both strict cyber security and digital IDs; nations that fail to comply will have their national CBDC threatened by the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) which oversees national central banks already. Digital IDs will be given to everyone and accounts setup in their respective central banks which will be eventually tied into the World Bank, affiliated with the U.N., and ultimately with the BIS. The Carrot: Everyone will be able to use digital currency {inclusiveness}. The Stick: Everyone’s transactions, both fiscal and informational, will be monitored and allowed according to BIS dictates.

At the end of the Matrix movies, Neo removes the offending virus, Agent Smith, by overwriting Smith’s code with his code; a new day dawned! However, the Matrix remained in place. Neo, as guided by the Oracle, accomplished his goal. Klaus Schwab’s revelation of these goals does not negate their implementation. they are already being implemented behind the scenes! People are being prepared to accept their implementation at the local level in all countries. Mr. Gates experimented in India the linkage between vaccinations and digital IDs proving that the concept was feasible as well as the need for a more convenient and non-evadable system for branding each person; with their consent, of course. Every person will be plugged into this global matrix having every purchase monitored for approval; every request for information directly controlled and even one’s funds given or removed by the financiers using their servants, the governments, as one submits or rebels against these Great Reset measures. The Carrot: One gets to east, live somewhat comfortably and have access to the latest information and entertainment diversions The Stick: One will have one’s funds removed, purchases denied and lose access to heat, water and energy sources; in short, one will comply or die. This will not be this draconian at the beginning but once these systems are in place these measures will become more severe. This is the legacy of socialism; international globalization.

Merging of Man and Machine

Great Reset Lays the Matrix for
Transhumanism into Posthumanism

The Great Reset proponents are not just Klaus Schwab, WEF, but also heads of the various elements of the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and their national representatives. They explicated state their goal of control of people everywhere across national borders. The ultimate digital ID will not be smart phone or a readable implanted chip; the ultimate digital ID will be nanotech connected to one’s brain beginning the transition of man to transhumanism. It may look as grotesque as Shelly’s Frankenstein but it will gain acceptance as one accepts one’s digital image as Neo did in the Matrix; beautiful piece of prophetic propaganda.

The illusion, lies, of inclusiveness, equality and sustainability beguile the ignorant and willfully aware into passivity and acceptance of their returning serfdom; the condition of most of mankind throughout history since Adam’s fall (Jn 8:44). God is allowing this showing the exceeding sinfulness of sin and sinners in contrast to His grace and mercy. The law of globalization will be Lex Talionis, without mercy; minor infractions will receive severe sentences and even death in the name of the safety of the majority. The truth of God will be deemed hateful and suppressed with those who propagate such dissension subjected to exclusion and death (Ro 1:18-28). Imagine the truth of Christ’s words: “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account” (Mt 5:11). Then He tells us to rejoice for heavenly Jerusalem in the city we should be focusing our hopes upon as did the patriarchs and prophets of old (Mt 5:12; He 11:13-16, 32-40). They died in faith without the New Covenant; we will go forward having received the New Covenant to join them in Christ (2Co 5:17).

Hidden Face of Corporatism

Who's Really Behind the Mask

Corporatism Hides Behind
Useless Political Terminology

This current presidential election process; indeed, President Trump’s four-year term polarized citizens into various camps using political terms that actually have no meaning today. People died, demonstrated and alienated each other over political positions that are essentially meaningless today. Ergo, the war was lost before the battle err began; just to keep you occupied until the real goal could be revealed – when you were too powerless to reject. Continue reading “Hidden Face of Corporatism”