Charity (Welfare) is Power to the State

Charity as Practiced by Government:
Transfer of Power from You to IT!

I have been reading, The Welfare of Nations (James Bartholomew. 2016. Cato.) as he discusses the various aspects of welfare from an international perspective. Though he does not espouse a Christian perspective, his inclusion of data from multiple sources around the globe lead to one inescapable conclusion: Continue reading “Charity (Welfare) is Power to the State”

Authoritarianism: Left and Right Thing

This is the core of Authoritarianism:
Facade of “Self-Control” is truly Central Control

What is authoritarianism? Depends of who you ask? The most strident discussions concerning authoritarianism appears to be conducted by academic researchers (American academia is predominately neoliberal) and mainline media outlets both at home, America, and in Europe. Continue reading “Authoritarianism: Left and Right Thing”

Anti-Immigration Phenomenon, Again


Anti-Immigration Rhetoric Common in U.S.

The storm of anti-immigrationalism sweeping not only America but Western Culture in general is nothing new in itself but the forces behind this smoke screen are ominous indeed. The controversy seems to center about differences between the nativists {those who are already in place} and the immigrants {those who want to join those already in place}. Continue reading “Anti-Immigration Phenomenon, Again”

America: Revolution or Evolution


In 1776 the America Revolution
Was the First Nation-State from Scratch

In 1776 an amazing thing occurred, a set of divergent colonies decided to form a nation-state basically out of nothing. Until this time nation-states were formed from monarchies to one extent or another. The nation-states was a new development in government born out of the philosophies of the Enlightenment era. Continue reading “America: Revolution or Evolution”

Movies as Propaganda


Movies function as Propaganda
Quietly Propagating Anti-God Messages

Many believe that music, art, television and movies are usually neutral in everyday circumstances though each of these have a recognized propaganda value. One simply needs to point to the mid-20th century to see how nearly every major nation used the visual and auditory mediums to broadcast propaganda messages to its population. Continue reading “Movies as Propaganda”

Modern Scribes and Pharisees: Our Legal System


Despite the Propaganda of Screen and TV
The Legal System is not Your Friend

Our legal system has the best public relations in the world. It masquerades as the “friend of the little person” all the while bringing the vast economic and power resources of the state to bear on whom ever falls under suspicion. Nearly since the beginning of the moving media (movies and television) the police have been portrayed as the good guys, except for some exceptions which invites rebellion against authority which is equally wrong and sinful. Continue reading “Modern Scribes and Pharisees: Our Legal System”

Economics-Mid Nation-State Development


Marx and Engels Economic Philosophy Appears a Failure
Yet, the Ideas Developed During the French Revolution

Led Directly to the Communist Revolution in Moscow

Understanding economic influences is key to understanding the power transitions that have occurred, are occurring and will occur as long as sinful man, and Satan, seek to impose their flawed philosophy on mankind to destroy the Gospel of Christ leaving man no hope of Heaven. Continue reading “Economics-Mid Nation-State Development”

Economics – Early Nation-State Control


Adam Smith Father of Modern Economics
Adam Smith Did Not Write of Economics

Adam Smith, considered by many as the founder, or father, of modern economics did not write about economics in the book featured in the above graphic, his most famous work; he actually wrote about how to develop a modern society so he was truly developing a philosophy of control to best direct a modern society, in his estimation. Continue reading “Economics – Early Nation-State Control”

How Much is a Human Life Worth?

Malaria Kills

How Much is a Human Life Worth?
Priceless in God’s Eyes but Not So Much in Man’s Eyes

What is the worth of a single life? If one can believe the socialization from the visual arts and literature, a human life is priceless. However, in actual practice a human life is worth less than the life of a bird! Continue reading “How Much is a Human Life Worth?”

America’s Religious Failure of Faith

Hillary's America

Propaganda Films New Staple
in American Politics (Religious)

I saw “Hillary’s America” and found what I expected to find, some good history, some ignored history and a rousing ending that brought a tear to everyone’s eye; in short, a religious propaganda film. Continue reading “America’s Religious Failure of Faith”