How Much is a Human Life Worth?

Malaria Kills

How Much is a Human Life Worth?
Priceless in God’s Eyes but Not So Much in Man’s Eyes

What is the worth of a single life? If one can believe the socialization from the visual arts and literature, a human life is priceless. However, in actual practice a human life is worth less than the life of a bird! Continue reading “How Much is a Human Life Worth?”

Plans of Man vs Purpose of God

foolish thing

Successful Elections Based on Popularity
of Plans of Man, Not Purpose of God

If nothing else is learned from the current presidential election campaign, Americans should learn that saying something is true, does NOT make it true! Both of the major candidates put forth plans pandering to their particular power bases. Continue reading “Plans of Man vs Purpose of God”

America’s Religious Failure of Faith

Hillary's America

Propaganda Films New Staple
in American Politics (Religious)

I saw “Hillary’s America” and found what I expected to find, some good history, some ignored history and a rousing ending that brought a tear to everyone’s eye; in short, a religious propaganda film. Continue reading “America’s Religious Failure of Faith”

Scientism – Killer of Billions

French Revolution 1789

French Revolution Epitomizes the
Contradictions of Scientism


Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712—1778), along with Descartes, were major Enlightenment philosophers. According to the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, “The major goal of Enlightenment thinkers was to give a foundation to philosophy that was independent of any particular tradition, culture, or religion: one that any rational person would accept.” Continue reading “Scientism – Killer of Billions”

Unity – The New Intolerance

Political Myth

The Electorate Fears Political Disunity
Yet, By Definition Different Political Views

Must Be Different, thus, Disunity

Much is being written about the recent spat of publicity surrounding the shootings both by the police and of the police. There are true and false positions on both sides of these issues. I listened in uncomfortable discomfiture when both political representatives spoke, both at the memorial and in other venues. Continue reading “Unity – The New Intolerance”

Lying – The State of All Nations

Lying Gossip Words

The Essence of Man’s Communications
Lie, Gossip, Hate, Steal

During this presidential election year I am amazed at the lack of biblical understanding Christians display. My basic premise is that all people are sinful (Christians are saved sinners who still sin), sinful people form governments that mirror their sinfulness, people who lead those governments are sinners who mirror the electorate who allow them to lead. Continue reading “Lying – The State of All Nations”

Ochlocracy – Goal of Democracy


Ochlocracy – Democracy without Knowledge
Consent of the People to Bury Themselves

Ochlocracy is a word nearly unknown in today’s vocabulary because it does not fit into the adjectives of “awesome”, “cool”, or well, you get the picture. The American model of democracy, which was not what the framers of the Constitution wanted, has spread throughout the world making America the prime mover for the destruction of the nation-state to usher in the era of regionalization. Continue reading “Ochlocracy – Goal of Democracy”

Remembering the Victims, Honoring God

A concept image of liberty showing a pistol and rifle with the constitution booklet on the American flag,

Another Mass Slaughter
Another Cry for Political Action
Another Opportunity to Use the Victims

News came today about the mass murder in Orlando, FL, at the Pulse Club, a club frequented by gays. The shooter has been tentatively identified as Omar Mateen, with possible extremist Islamic leanings. The President has been briefed and will be continually updated. Unfortunately, this heading has become all too common, all too often. Continue reading “Remembering the Victims, Honoring God”

Election of Tyranny by Democracy

Plato's Ship Captain Election

Who Shall Captain Our Ship of State?
Those with Experience?

Those with Popularity?

I am deeply troubled that I squandered my years in meaningless entanglements of profundity rather than learning wisdom thereby living much of my life in ignorance. Lost in pop culture and empty causes I came late to salvation and even later to wisdom. Continue reading “Election of Tyranny by Democracy”