Modern Scribes and Pharisees: Our Legal System


Despite the Propaganda of Screen and TV
The Legal System is not Your Friend

Our legal system has the best public relations in the world. It masquerades as the “friend of the little person” all the while bringing the vast economic and power resources of the state to bear on whom ever falls under suspicion. Nearly since the beginning of the moving media (movies and television) the police have been portrayed as the good guys, except for some exceptions which invites rebellion against authority which is equally wrong and sinful. Continue reading “Modern Scribes and Pharisees: Our Legal System”

Law: We Love to Hate It!


Man Both Love and Hate the Law

Ever since Cain went to the land of wanderers to become their leader he found himself forced to develop a system of laws (society) to ensure survival of the city he had built (Ge 4:16-17). Herein is the contradiction; Cain who had murdered his brother in violation of God’s admonition to control himself (Ge 4:6-7) now found it necessary to develop a system of laws so that other people who had rejected God could be prevented from murdering each other Continue reading “Law: We Love to Hate It!”

Satan: Asking the Wrong Questions?


Since Satan a Major Agent in Sanctification
Is he then our Friend?

In our last two posts I have laid the foundation to ask the question, “Is Satan our friend or foe in our sanctification?” This is the forced conclusion of the two suppositions: 1) Man has no free will and 2) Satan the major agent in testing us, preparing us through the sanctification process. Continue reading “Satan: Asking the Wrong Questions?”

Fallacy of Free


This is an example of a Logical Fallacy
The False Dilemma Excludes

Another Possibility: Fallacy of Free Will

To discuss this issue we must first define the term, “free”. There are many nuances to this word but probably the ones that are most pertinent to our discussion are: not affected by a given condition or circumstance or to be without control or constraint of any influence {Free Dictionary}. Continue reading “Fallacy of Free”

Beware Satan’s Power! What??


Religion Views Satan and Christ Vying Over the World
This Gnostic Representation is Westernized Yin and Yang

Most people, saved and lost, have the worldview of Satan having power as great as Jesus and both contesting over the souls of people. The image of each of them sitting on your shoulders whispering temptations into your ears is classic, even in the older cartoons and literature. Continue reading “Beware Satan’s Power! What??”

Economics Without Christ – Globalization


Regionalization: Waystop Toward Globalization
Government Does not Control Everything

It IS Everything

When General Eisenhower gave his speech to the troops about to participate in the D-Day landings he used the words, “united nations”, euphemism for globalization. The success of these landings not only spelled the end of the NAZI government but also the end of all national governments. That day the world changed and no one noticed. Continue reading “Economics Without Christ – Globalization”

Economics and Christ – Currency


Currency – Most Recognizable Aspect of Economics
and the Least Understood Element of Finance

I have subsumed finance and currency under the general subject of economics using the term, “tangible means” of control. I did this to maintain simplicity and to stay on the trail of economics as a means of control of people on a macro scale. However, simplicity can raise confusion by appearing to ignore and/or unaware of various influential elements. Continue reading “Economics and Christ – Currency”

Economics-Mid Nation-State Development


Marx and Engels Economic Philosophy Appears a Failure
Yet, the Ideas Developed During the French Revolution

Led Directly to the Communist Revolution in Moscow

Understanding economic influences is key to understanding the power transitions that have occurred, are occurring and will occur as long as sinful man, and Satan, seek to impose their flawed philosophy on mankind to destroy the Gospel of Christ leaving man no hope of Heaven. Continue reading “Economics-Mid Nation-State Development”

Economics – Hidden Power Through the Centuries

Economics 101

Power of Control Ignored is
the Power to Control

As I was doing my series on ignorance I had an epiphany concerning economics. Nearly everyone I asked had the same reaction to economics as I; i.e., it is too difficult to understand and best left to the “experts”. Continue reading “Economics – Hidden Power Through the Centuries”

Ignorance That Kills

Ignorance is Dangerous

Ignorance is Dangerous Because
The Ignorant Control What You Believe

In last week’s post (“What Is a Human Life Worth?“) I spoke of the doom of ignorance. This week I will attempt to show that everyone is ignorant to some extent in their worldview. There are those who are ignorant because they have not been exposed to truth, there are those who understand their ignorance and seek to alleviate their ignorance which is a lifelong process and there are those who are ignorant but believe they have ALL the truth. Continue reading “Ignorance That Kills”