Revolution Without Bullets – Welcome to the New America

Religion Cause of Unity

Religion is the Cause of Unity
(Click Graphic to See Video)

I believe that the problem people are having with explaining their confusion in understanding the presidential primaries is their starting point. Let me explain; nearly all disagreements do not disagree as to the concrete facts but center on disputes about differing assumptions. Continue reading “Revolution Without Bullets – Welcome to the New America”

The Myth of Tyranny

Guardian Angel Children

Guardian Angel of Gnosticism

The title is a double entendre designed to grab your attention. The modern definition of tyranny bears little resemblance to its origins. The modern definition of tyranny is, “arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority.” However, this definition is not supported by history. Continue reading “The Myth of Tyranny”

Jewish Conspiracy or Consistent History?

JFK Jewish Quote

Truth or Wishful Prejudice?

I have been studying Jewish philosophy as part of my studies of human philosophies to understand the truth of the Scriptures. I have been aware for nearly the totality of my Christian salvation experience, nearly 40 years, of the belief in a vast world-wide Jewish Conspiracy. This supposed quote by John F. Kennedy, I could not verify he actually said this quote, seems to legitimize the conspiracy belief. Continue reading “Jewish Conspiracy or Consistent History?”

Indoctrination or What is Education?

Science vs Religion

Indoctrination: Science vs. Religion

This graphic communicates several logical fallacies that forces the reader to accept the author’s conclusions. The first logical fallacy is that faith and science are mutually exclusive; that is, people of faith ignore or reject “facts” in order to maintain their faith while people of science make conclusions based on “facts”. Continue reading “Indoctrination or What is Education?”

Indoctrination or Training the Youth

Stop Religious Indoctrination Develops "Fee" Thinkers
Stopping Religious Indoctrination
Develops “Fee” Thinkers

The statement of this graphic is as much indoctrination as the indoctrination that the statement condemns.  Yet, even more than that, it contains a self-defeating logical fallacy that is so common today as to be ignored. The reason we will look at indoctrination over the next several posts is because the political season is upon us and full of charges and counter-charges of indoctrination rather than a reasoned discussion of the issues to seek well grounded solutions. Continue reading “Indoctrination or Training the Youth”

The Matrix – Which Mind is Yours

In the movie, “The Matrix”, Neo (One) had to choose between the blue pill or the red pill denoting whether he wanted to learn the “real” truth or remain in his delusion. This struck me as somewhat similar to these verses, “But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually appraised. But he who is spiritual appraises all things, yet he himself is appraised by no one.(1 Co 2:14-15 NASB) Continue reading “The Matrix – Which Mind is Yours”

Global Governance – When the World Changed, Again


Georgia Guidestones

Being counted among the naive of Christianity I assumed the coming convergence of a one-world government based on poor hermeneutical understanding of the Bible; in other words, I let my worldview determine my biblical interpretation. My researches into eschatology and current global political movements have led me to gain a clearer understanding of the true forces at work in the world. Continue reading “Global Governance – When the World Changed, Again”

Plato Missed Discerning the Gospel of Christ

Plato’s Absolute Truth

Plato’s The Cave

The ancient peoples of the Axial Age did not have the techno knowledge that we have today but they were not without discernment. Without the distractions we of the “modern age” have, they were able to come close to understanding the Gospel truth.  When I use the word truth I do not mean a simple measure of honesty but a measure of understanding of absolute knowledge of both the metaphysical (spiritual) realm and its linkage to the physical (earthly) realm. Continue reading “Plato Missed Discerning the Gospel of Christ”