Truman and the Cuban Missile Crisis

Cuban Missile Crisis Began Long Before
These Men had to Deal with its Realities

The title, Truman and the Cuban Missile Crisis, may puzzle those few readers who think they know their history; however, the reality is that Truman initiated the events that caused this and nearly every subsequent crisis in American foreign policy. In my two previous posts, Pathway to American Impoverishment and International Manifest Destiny Rise and Fall, we discussed the beginnings of the Truman Doctrine, Marshal Plan and the United Nations as organs to extend both the Democratic Party’s and America’s power domestically and abroad. The Cuban Missile Crisis was a result of these policies, sans the United Nations (UN), and the addition of one other ingredient: the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

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Myth of Oil Scarcity

Scarcity of Oil is the Myth
Driving Global Governance

The modern world was built on petroleum fuels and the myth of oil scarcity has been the single largest contributor to keeping prices inflated in relation to the prevailing economy. The myth of scarcity was invented soon after the Geneva Congress on Organic Nomenclature, 1892, defined organic chemistry. Some believe that Rockefeller paid his scientists to argue for the label fossil fuels since petroleum was organic; i.e., hydrogen, carbon and oxygen and therefore must have come from once living things (Fossil Fuel Hoax). However true the reality is that the label fossil fuel stuck. This liquid and gaseous stuff was made by the death of dinosaurs and the associated plant life that occurred in the past and will never be repeated. However, from the beginning of the 19th century petroleum productions were being produced by man. James Young began what today would be called fracking to collect crude oil from sandstone cave roofs and distill it into petroleum products. He was unencumbered by the myth that would soon enslave the world for over a century: the myth of the scarcity of oil.
Continue reading “Myth of Oil Scarcity”

Remaking the World for Socialism

The Present is built upon the Past
Redefining the Past Channels the Future

It began with Western 20th century fratricide (Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War. Buchanan, PJ. 2008.) : The Great War in two parts that not only destroyed its Judeo-Christian ethos but then unleashed its major religious opponents: atheistic Socialism which is eroding the gains of free market economics and maniacal Islam which is eroding the very basis of this culture supplanting it with its own incoherent values of slavery. Behind the scenes are the elites who have no fear to publicly state their goals—to remake the world in their image. The mechanism to make this palatable to the general population to gain their consent, and thus reduce violence, is climate change. Continue reading “Remaking the World for Socialism”

Social Justice is Socialism Embraced

Definition of Social Justice is repackaged
International Socialism of 19th Century

This general definition of Social Justice actually defines nothing specifically. It is a loose collection of terms that remain undefined such as: egalitarian society; principles of equality and solidarity; human rights and dignity of people. The fact that Social Justice includes poverty, discrimination, racism, injustice, civil rights and human issues becomes a blank check to demand whatever becomes necessary for the moment to advance its agenda: international socialism or globalization. Essentially, social justice, like the “War on Terror” operates without mandate, without clearly defined objectives and goals and has no end point; thus, it is an ongoing process. Hayek said it best in the title of his book, “On the Road to Serfdom” for that is the only end point toward which Social Justice strains toward. Continue reading “Social Justice is Socialism Embraced”

Nimrod Revived Cain’s Tyranny

 Events in Genesis Capture the Imagination
But Defy Credibility Yet Nimrod Was as Cain

Historians, scientists and even religionists reject the truth of the first eleven chapters of Genesis. A six-day creation, worldwide cataclysm {Flood}, survival of mankind on an unguided ark and the astounding story of how languages came into existence sound more like Tolkien’s fantasy than factual historical events. Even Christians teach this section of Genesis as stories and thus as not real events. However, I beg to differ. Using the normative hermeneutical interpretive technique I will show that not only was Nimrod very real but the danger he posed would have undone the reason for the Cataclysm: preservation of the Gospel and hope of salvation of people past, present and future. Continue reading “Nimrod Revived Cain’s Tyranny”

Populism and Spiritualism in Today’s Politics

Nothing Appears More Apt to Divide
As Populist Movements Uniting Together

America is once again gearing up for another presidential election circus. President Trump won the presidency in 2016 against most odds because he appealed to the voters of America’s heartland; thus, he became known as a populist president. This year the Democrats are trying to outdo each other in bidding for the Democratic populist base. I guess, if you didn’t beat him, join or use his methods. And, Christians generally are bemoaning the loss of God’s hand on America as morality takes a nose dive into debauchery. But then again, American politics has always been a combination of populism and spiritualism. Continue reading “Populism and Spiritualism in Today’s Politics”

How Bad Doctrine Enslaved the World

Replacement Theology and Poor Hermeneutics
Distorted the Concept of Usury Enslaving the West

Usury is the “loaning of money for interest” {Jewish Moneylending. My Jewish Learning} though today the concept has changed, “the loaning of money for exorbitant interest,” in order to allow reasonable interest on loans or else no one would lend any money. God, through Moses, instructed Jews to not charge interest on loans to other Jews but they could charge interest on loans to Gentiles {strangers} or goyim {Hebrew} (De 23:20).  Hermeneutics is the art and science of biblical interpretation to understand God’s wisdom contained in the Bible. Replacement theology is the concept that God has transferred His promises to the Jews to the Church because the Jews executed Christ. The Roman Catholic Church (RCC), ignorant of Jewish culture, poor hermeneutics and erroneous theology banned any usury between Christians during its medieval control of Europe. We still live with the results today. Continue reading “How Bad Doctrine Enslaved the World”

Science of Lies

Ancients believed space filled with ether
You were taught space is empty: Wrong

Turns out the ancients were right in concept but limited in technology. Space is not empty but for a few grains of occasional dust and a comet or two. The problem is that government and science knew this also, since early days of rocket exploration of space (Magnetosphere. Science Direct). The above graphic shows our solar system crossing our galaxy’s plane in our galactic orbit exposing us to a slew of forces invisible to the five senses. There is another secret: it is these slew of space forces {ether} that determines much of our weather. Shh! You are not suppose to know this! Continue reading “Science of Lies”

Slavery of the Gods: True Nihilism

Babel is NOT Confusion of Languages:
Babel IS Confusion of

My previous post discussed how philosophy sought to define truth since God’s truth had been rejected (Freedom to be Gods: Nihilism). Our conclusion: philosophy had been used to deceive the people; to hide the truth from them. This post looks at government as the sole purveyor of truth. It began with Cain, one who killed his brother. Cain became a ruler over those who rejected God {Nod: Wanderers} and built cities. Cities implies organization for labor and supplies; in addition, it also implies force to control those who are rebellious at heart {definition of sinners}(Ge 4:17-22). Government’s one constant is: Force. Cain’s descendants laid the foundations for all cultures: industry, agriculture, music, etc. Cain also laid the foundation for the violent spread of his civilization; his success threatened to destroy God’s people and coming Savior so God caused the Cataclysm {Flood} to reboot the world. Continue reading “Slavery of the Gods: True Nihilism”

Happy Indigenous People Day?!

Indigenous People Day Celebrates
Return to Ignorance, Poverty & Gnosticism

This week America observed Columbus Day to celebrate the man who discovered the New World for the Western cultures coming forth from the Medievalism of the Dark Ages. This day simply acknowledges the man and his discovery. American public education of the 19th and 20th centuries romanticized the man for their own pietistic purposes; a man who exhibited the ignorance and cruelty of his time. Clearly, Indigenous People’s Day, celebrated on the same day as Columbus Day, is an attempt to rewrite history, again. This is the problem with public education; it becomes a tool in the hands of the government to write history as they see fit. Neither day tells the truth but seeks to justify a political agenda whose end is ultimately: Socialism. Continue reading “Happy Indigenous People Day?!”