Way of Cain: Techniques Defining Your Experience

Force Failed to Control Dissent

Way of Cain: Techniques Defining Your Experience;
You Become Your Own Best Conversion Agent

I want to tell you why I see the World as a dangerous delusion designed to prevent you from realizing your true danger. I did not develop this view from some special knowledge hidden from mere mortals nor did I receive it by special inspiration or vision. I experienced the truth of the World System first hand from my youth. I want you to know so you can truly determine if you can trust what I write. The purpose of discernment, Christian maturity, is to understand how Satan’s World System penetrates and seeks to organize every aspect of life to prevent you and your loved ones from seeing their true danger and the only solution God offers: Salvation. But, unless you realize your true danger, you will not accept the life ring of salvation and be pulled from the raging seas of sin into Christ’s rescuing arms like Peter (Mt 14:22-33). Continue reading “Way of Cain: Techniques Defining Your Experience”

Holocaust: Great Reset’s Trial Run

IBM WWII Germany Societal Reset

Holocaust: Great Reset’s Trial Run;
Prelude to Today’s Promised Great Reset

Prior to Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset book, no one had envisioned resetting any society according to the dictates of the few; or had they? It has been over eighty years since the beginning of World War II (WWII) yet it remains shrouded in mystery and mythos. One of the most studied but poorly understood periods of world history because its implications are still reverberating today. Many vested interests working independently and/or collectively, hide their involvement by demonizing the one person who cannot defend himself; Herr Hitler. I postulate that Herr Hitler’s Germany was the first modern attempt to reset its society using the new digitalization developed in America. It is around digitalization that Schwab’s Great Reset is predicated upon but with an international goal as its focus. Continue reading “Holocaust: Great Reset’s Trial Run”

Lies LGBTQA+ Tells You and Itself

LGBTQA+: Does Life Get Better?

Lies LGBTQA+ Tells You and Itself;
Has It Made Life Better or Incoherent?

This pleasing to the eye graphic is an example of Conversion as described in After the Ball: How America Will Conquer It’s Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90’s. This book did not begin the gay revolution; however, it did give activists the blueprint on how to use Bernays-style psychological driven propaganda methods to force acceptance of the Gay Agenda over time. Necessity makes strange bedfellows, pun intended, and in their quest for legitimacy the Gay activists joined with allies to increase their impact. These allies will not only devour the Gay Movement, they will Reset society according to their global governance agenda. In the end it will be the straight white powerful males who intend to gain power over everyone thanks to Darwin’s evolutionary foundation. Continue reading “Lies LGBTQA+ Tells You and Itself”

Capitalism: Straw Man of Oligarchical Fascism

Oligarchy is America Today

Capitalism: Straw Man of Oligarchical Fascism;
Hidden Behind the Delusion of 

The Progressive Era introduced two equivocations into Western thought: Capitalism and Democracy. People’s sloppy adherence to the Law of Identity allowed this substitution. The support of politicians, informational services and educational institutions legitimized the switch without informing citizens any switch had occurred. Capitalism became synonymous with Free Markets, when in fact it means the very opposite of Free Markets, and Democracy substituted itself for Republicanism government, not the idiot Republican Party that is nearly as guilty as the Democratic Party in fostering these erroneous labels on an unsuspecting public. Governments and their supporting corporatisms encouraged people to think in these terms while keeping the true meanings of the words hidden. They became the Straw Man arguments that would be easily knocked down at the appropriate time to support their final agenda. Fascism itself has become a Straw Man argument being linked exclusively to Herr Hitler’s German government; this ignores its more causal elements delineated by Mr. Mussolini who defined the term. This is vital because today we are headed into Oligarchical Fascism.
Continue reading “Capitalism: Straw Man of Oligarchical Fascism”

Davos: Hiding the Real Enemy-Fascism

Watch Parade of Crises, Ignore Fascism's Growth

Davos: Hiding the Real Enemy-Fascism;
You Watch Crises as Fascism Extends Its Control

For the first time the general public is watching, through their propagandistic informational medias, the annual Davos meeting hosted by the World Economic Forum (WEF). Whether you are Left, Right or somewhere else; you are being fed a script informing you What to Think. Each presentation is carefully planned to feed you some aspect of their agenda. This cleverly designed gaslighting slowly gaining one’s acceptance of their true agenda; what we used to call,  boiling the frog slowly. However, the actual vital decisions are made privately and implemented through the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and its member Central Banks. As you are pulled from one crisis to another, some actual and some probably contrived, your attention is diverted away from the true expansion of Control. Only now are some people beginning to understand what is occurring. Fascism did not die with the Axis defeat of World War II (WWII) {Hink, F. Forget the Marxists: Here’s the Real Enemy of America. American Thinker.}. It simply morphed to fit the changing times. Continue reading “Davos: Hiding the Real Enemy-Fascism”

Socialism vs Fascism: Distraction Conceals Fiscal Fascism

Meaningless Political Labels as Distraction

Socialism vs Fascism: Distraction Conceals Fiscal Fascism;
These Political Labels Hide the Real Menace from You

Biblical discernment is more than understanding the meaning of the Scriptures; it is their application to real world issues, especially to discerning right and wrong or good and evil at work (He 5:11-14). We cannot see actual spiritual forces and thus are unable to make absolute, definitive statements. However, we can discern patterns and compare these patterns with Scripture to determine how  Satan is at work in the world. After all, Christ told us that, “…you will recognize them by their fruits” (Mt 7:15-20). He also told us that the world will become worse and worse even with concomitant natural disasters (Mt 24:6-8). Now I am no expert so I am spitballing what seems apparent giving you something to think on as forces about us talk about Resetting all societies; i.e., unifying societies along fiscal lines of control versus historic governmental lines. Without preparing ourselves to biblically understand these influences people may find themselves falling away from the faith in order to survive in the world. The love for Christ of many will grow cold to their eternal regret (Mt 24:9-12). Now is the time to prepare one’s self spiritually and emotionally. Continue reading “Socialism vs Fascism: Distraction Conceals Fiscal Fascism”

Circular Reasoning of Your Scientism Reality

Beginning and End of Satan's Plan

Circular Reasoning of Your Scientism Reality;
Closed Loop Reasoning of Empiricism (He 1:3)

My last post, Fallacy of Scientific Method as Proof of God {Anything}, used the scientific method’s definition to prove that science was, is, incapable of discovery truth. At best the scientific method can only support a hypothesis until a single falsifiable outcome disproves the hypothesis. This is a problem as modern Man believes that science reveals undeniable, absolute Truths. Modern Man has built an understanding from the universe to the subatomic forces to even Man’s origins based on science; except, science by definition provides no such pathway to absolutism. Hence, Modern Man lives by faith which is known by the label of scientism. Man measures the empirical and extrapolates to the non-empirical without any proof that one gives reliable evidence of the latter. This is the world’s faith, the world’s religion, the world’s hope for eternal immortality apart from God. And this religion has a prophet; Dr Yuval Noah Harari. Continue reading “Circular Reasoning of Your Scientism Reality”

Fasc-ism: Us-ism over You-ism Social-ism

Marx's Socialism Led to Fascism

Fasc-ism: Us-ism over You-ism Social-ism;
Enigma of Fascism Arises from Marx’s Ignorance

My previous post, Fascism: New Term for Old Government-Socialism, sought to cover Fascism from Adam to today from a government-centric perspective. However, this is also a modernistic bias cooked into our discussion. For most of human history, there were no differences in governmental forms, merely differences in ethnicities evidenced by religi0-moral forms; i.e., state-sponsored gods. This form reached its apex in the Roman Empire but remained seriously lacking in power and scope to Control the world. With the gradual collapse of the Western Roman Empire I believe Satan reset the entire Western culture which is today known as the Dark Ages or Medieval Period. From the Renaissance through the Reformation into the Enlightenment, Age of Reason, differing governmental forms appeared: republic-democracies and secular scientisms as nation-states. These antagonistic forms competed to determine which could discovery and apply technologies as well as advance the most vital aspect of any empire: fiscal control. This post will look at quotes from three different social-government-fiscal philosophers to understand Fascism. Continue reading “Fasc-ism: Us-ism over You-ism Social-ism”

Bills of Rights Fallacies that Enslave You

U.S. Bill of Rights

Bills of Rights Fallacies that Enslave You;
Bills of Rights 
Limit Your So-Called Human Rights

The delegates called together to fix the Articles of Confederation ignored their mandate and illegally committed a bloodless coup d’état which today is known as the Constitution. However despite the propaganda efforts of Madison and Hamilton, Federalist Papers, States would not accept the new government without amendments that would further limit government power over the individual; this became known as The Bill of Rights. The Constitution with the attached Bill of Rights had the appearance of limiting government without limiting individuals. However, Hamilton and his constituency placed three clauses later used to undermine government limitations via the Supreme Court and later the Executive Branch {Dilorenze, T. Hamilton’s Curse. Three Rivers Press. New York. 2008.}. Abraham Lincoln basically suspended these Rights during his Civil War and was still praised as saving the Union! He proved the dictum, “What the government giveth, the government taketh away {Apologies to Job} (Job 1:21; 2:10)!” Continue reading “Bills of Rights Fallacies that Enslave You”

Seeing They Will NOT See Yet Demand Fiscal Destruction

Credit Expansion-Contraction Club

Seeing They Will NOT See Yet Demand Fiscal Destruction
How Central Bank {Fed} Preparing for Great Reset

Isaiah was told by God that during his long ministry almost no one would believe him and turn to the Lord for salvation, “Keep on hearing, but do not understand; keep on seeing, but do not perceive…” (Isa 6:8-10). While this was recognized as true several centuries later by Paul, we can still see this truism at work even outside salvation’s truth (Ro 11:7-8). My post, How Central Banks Control Everything via Credit, shows why central banks, Federal Reserve System (Fed) for America, use credit {Think: Debt} to gain control over governments and ultimately over YOU! America has experienced several major ups and downs since the Fed was created to prevent these cycles; however, that was just the preliminary; now, the Fed has signaled that a major crash is coming! Guess what? It incidentally coincides with the World Economic Forum’s advocacy of a Great Reset of world societies by 2030 {See: United Nations 2030 Agenda. Recipe for Socialism.}. Continue reading “Seeing They Will NOT See Yet Demand Fiscal Destruction”