Social Justice is International Socialism

Social Justice claims to promote equality
However, it actually promotes inequality

In our previous posts (Roots of Social Justice: Social Gospel Progressivism and Social Justice: Gateway to Socialism) I discussed how the Social Gospel movement destroyed the biblical {absolute truth of God’s moral law (Ten Words)} foundation of most denominations. In a sense it was a blow against the pietism forced onto the population via the power of the state by the minority believers. Postmodernism substituted experience as the criteria for deciding good and evil as defined by each individual; i.e., relative values and higher self-esteem became the norms. However, this unleashed an unprecedented wave of violence, mass shootings, especially among teens who were simply implementing what they had been taught. The Social Justice movement grew out of both the Social Gospel and Postmodern movements to develop a two-prong attack. The first prong: Destruction of national socialism and sovereignty with the consent of the governed. The second prong: Rejection of personal responsibility for one’s current position in life.
Continue reading “Social Justice is International Socialism”

Social Justice: Gateway to Socialism

PostModernism: Bridge between
Social Gospel and Social Justice movements

In our previous blog, Roots of Social Justice: Social Gospel Progressivism, I discussed how the various movements between 1880-1920 coincided with and supported the Social Gospel movement to destroy the true Gospel and the Bible. Since the Bible is the only source of absolute truth, and values, many denominations were cast adrift on the seas of secular humanism and relative values. The abandonment of biblical absolute values segued into the search for relative meaning such as in the Beat movement of the 1950s and the Hippie movement of the 1960s. The result was the birth of Postmodernism which was the abandonment of God in favor of anything but God and its attendant increase in societal violence. Continue reading “Social Justice: Gateway to Socialism”

Why Socialism Fears Laissez Faire: You

Context for spread of Socialism: Equality
Reality for spread of Socialism: Fraternity

While usually discussed in economic terms: socialism being versus laissez faire markets the truth is much broader in scope. The French Revolution was the first to join equality and fraternity together with a form of socialism under the false flag of liberty; a cover palpable to the general populace. This formula is still used today, even in America. However, all the slogans, the promises and the countless millions of lives sacrificed the reality remains the same. Governments fear sinners. Continue reading “Why Socialism Fears Laissez Faire: You”

The Madness of Labels

Most Christians reading this post would probably
describe themselves thusly, and be wrong!

It is a sad fact of life that all of us use labels which we really do not define nor understand just because of convenience and educated ignorance. This is certainly true of the labels: conservative and liberal {conservatism and liberalism}. In today’s post we will quickly look at the meaning of these labels, why they shifted in meaning, somewhat, and how they distract us from the Gospel which is out only mission on earth.
Continue reading “The Madness of Labels”

Understanding Satan’s Strategy for Globalism

This is how Mr. Soros broke the Bank of England
Using his Reflexivity Stratagem

The above graphic shows how Mr. Soros began rumors about the unsoundness of the Bank of England, which were untrue, to cause the Bank of England to become financially unsound. In biblical terms he started rumors behind the scenes through various outlets. Hearers believed these rumors and began a run on the Bank of England. The news media fueled the rumors until brokers around the world were dumping their Pounds {English currency}. No bank, especially central banks, carries much beyond 10% liquid stock to cover all the funds invested with them. This sudden run depleted the cash on hand which meant the Bank had to close its doors; i.e., was broke. Since Mr. Soros had previously shorted the British Pound, meaning he bet that it would fail, he received millions in return for basically causing a rumor. This is how Reflexivity works. Let’s adapt this to other issues in today’s news. Continue reading “Understanding Satan’s Strategy for Globalism”

Reflexivity: Legitimizing the Illegitimate

Mr. Soros coined the term Reflexivity to Legitimize
Using false info to achieve the goal-Globalization

Building on our last post (Intolerance of Tolerance of Christians) Dr. Popper {London School of Economics} gained a disciple, Mr. George Soros, who added to Dr. Popper’s theories by developing his Theory of Reflexivity. This theory became another major tool to achieve the goal of Open Societies otherwise known as globalization. At its most fundamental this theory legitimizes the use of false information to influence and achieve one’s goal; i.e., lying is okay if it helps you to reach the goal. Obviously this directly violates the Ninth Word {Commandment} against lying (Ex 20:16). Continue reading “Reflexivity: Legitimizing the Illegitimate”

Intolerance of Tolerance of Christians

Karl Popper Defined the Tolerance Paradox
Setting Limits to the Ideas of Others (1945)

Dr. Karl Popper, one of the early philosopher/economists at the London School of Economics (See: Progressivism to Gradualism to Socialism to Globalism), defined the limits of tolerance in what he called, The Paradox of Tolerance (1945). This was his major contribution to the furtherance of Open Societies {originally developed by Henri Bergson (1932)}. Dr. Popper taught that one cannot be tolerant of  ideas opposed to the development of the open societies concept. Thus, he sought to legitimize intolerance to the ideas of others becoming one of the major stratagems used today, especially by the political-media complex.  Continue reading “Intolerance of Tolerance of Christians”

Father of Christmas Past, Present and Future

Popular Cartoon of Santa Claus by
Thomas Nash 1881 in America

Nothing is more enduring in America today than the gnostic mythos of Santa Claus and the supposed holiday {holy day} of Christmas. I could opine about the gnostic values of Christmas being antithetical to biblical Christian truths but no one, saved or lost, cares as long as they can wax nostalgic on this holiday {Merry Gnostic Christmas}. Facts concerning this pagan celebration are lost on even the most pietist believing Christian who worships the power of the state to bring about God’s kingdom on earth. This is probably the basis for Christians and non-Christians uniting around this mystic figure. Continue reading “Father of Christmas Past, Present and Future”

Eugenics is the True Methodology of Evolution

Evolution exists because of tolerance of its
Logical Fallacies that excuse its practice-Eugenics

The above graphic, a quote by Richard Dawkins, is suppose to quiet all opposition to evolution; however, it commits the logical fallacy of conflation to destroy its very legitimacy. While gravity is a theory because the actual force is unknown, its effects are measurable and repeatable {you do this ever time you weigh yourself}. However, evolution is a past event; therefore, it is not repeatable nor can it be measurable which removes it from the realm of science. Evolution is in fact a context for discoverable facts; however, it has failed to even fit the facts that it claims. Evolution survives because it carries the force of government being the only legitimate view of creation allowed to be taught in schools. In other words, evolutionary theory survives because of government suppression of free speech of opposing contexts of the available facts. Continue reading “Eugenics is the True Methodology of Evolution”

Racism: The Myth of Our Day

This common platitude expresses ignorance
of both the Bible and common observation

Racism is the catchphrase of the day being touted as the major sin and the basis for justifying incredible personal and social violence that has not been seen in America since the heyday of the 1960s. According to Merriam-Webster, racism is “a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.” The above graphic succinctly expresses the ignorance permeating preventing rational discussion of this issue. The problem is violation of the Law of Identity of Logic. Racism demands that there be at least two different races; there is only one race. Continue reading “Racism: The Myth of Our Day”