Social Justice: The New Religion

Scientific Method Encapsulates
Failure of Modern Rationalism

Years ago I was enrolled in a Master of Science (Nursing) program at a well known major university and was struck by two important teaching points forcibly driven home by the professors. One, we were not there to learn how to think; we were there to regurgitate back exactly what we were taught; no more. Science could neither prove nor disprove any nursing theory making all theories, no matter how contradictory, correct or non-falsifiable. The fact that they taught the Machiavellian theory of nursing leadership was a tip off that they would brook no dissent; and they did not. I voiced the observation that if knowledge could neither prove nor disprove any theory then nursing research was not a science but a religion; I soon had to leave the program, of course. This was my professional exposure to postmodernism as it was transmutating into today’s reflexive social justice religion. Continue reading “Social Justice: The New Religion”

Deconstructing the “Melting Pot”


Sin produces division based on bias and
Prejudice; Postmodernism codifies bias

Bias and prejudice did not begin at the Tower of Babel when God miraculously divided one unified society into at least three distinct groups who then separated from each other (Ge 11:1-9). Bias and prejudice were present at the first sin when Man blamed God and Woman; Woman blamed the Dragon and the Dragon blamed no one, at least directly (Ge 3:8-19). Today bias and prejudice are becoming codified both philosophically  and legally legitimizing both as weapons against shared problem solving. America self-described itself as a melting pot {a place where a variety of races, cultures, or individuals assimilate into a cohesive whole} of cultures as a means to end the near constant European warfare based on cultural differences. Today this approach is being rejected in favor of permanent but artificial divisions designed to promote violence based on bias and prejudice. Continue reading “Deconstructing the “Melting Pot””

Your Virtual Reality Worldview

Purpose of the movie The Matrix:
Was Choice or Non-choice

One’s worldview is difficult to grasp if this is a new concept. The movie, Matrix, believed that people, reality, were captives of machines, computers. These computers controlled people by giving them a false reality. The majority of people were docile but a minority refused to believe in the reality of the matrix; thus, they rebelled; exercised choice. In reality, they had no choice at all; it was simply another form of illusion. One’s worldview is the interpreter of perceived reality; thus, one’s worldview is one’s matrix or interface between self and all else.  In one sense this is very true: Welcome to the Bible. Continue reading “Your Virtual Reality Worldview”

Moral Injury: Another Defense of Sin

New Terminology Quietly Making Inroads
Redirecting Responsibility for Sin Away from You

Moral injury is quietly making its way into popular culture after percolating in the scientism wings for twenty years or so. I actually heard this term used on Facebook equating burnout with moral injury. Curious, I did a quick study to grasp the basic concept only to discover this was not new after all. It was just a repackaging of an ancient concept: responsibility for sin belongs to whom? Continue reading “Moral Injury: Another Defense of Sin”

Illusion as Reality Exposed by Solomon

Plato’s Cave Elegantly Depicted Illusion
His Error: Man Can Escape the Cave Alone

Plato wrote his work, Republic, approximately 520 B.C. in which he described The Cave. People are regulated to look only at the back wall and the shadows being cast there. This formed their reality; however, the shadows were being cast by people behind them. Thus, their reality was actually illusion propagated by others. Somehow one can release one’s self and start the journey toward the mouth of the cave and true reality; coming into the sunlight. This is a classic work’s based salvation that Paul condemns because one cannot save one’s self (Jo 6:44; Ro 4:13-14). Continue reading “Illusion as Reality Exposed by Solomon”

Illusion of Choice: Delusion

The Illusion of the Matrix was Choice
The Illusion of its Ending: One Had Choice

Neo, acronym for one, believed he would find choice if he could leave the Matrix. By becoming the One the Architect told him that his choice was already predetermined, even if by his own nature; thus, he still did not have choice. By dying he thought he was insuring choice for mankind’s survivors; however, they too were bound by their own natures. Thus, choice is always an illusion. This is the carrot of Lucifer, that the Lost have choice; unfortunately, the stick is that they have no choice for the things of God are rejected by their own natures as being foolish (1Co 2:14). Continue reading “Illusion of Choice: Delusion”

Freedom to Be Gods: Nihilism

Whatever a person sows, he shall reap;
Freedom to choose cannot save you

In the beginning God taught man truth then allowed Lucifer to give man choice: God or be as gods. Man exchanged the truth of God for transitory fleshly pleasures and the dream of being as gods, apart from God. Sin entered the world. This quickly resulted in violence as man, Cain, made might over right his mantra by killing his weak brother, Abel. Cain then went to the land of Nod, wanderers from God, and established government to control sin and build a society without God. In the end government failed, man became increasingly more violent and God intervened before man destroyed himself, losing his only hope for salvation. With the Cataclysm {Flood} man was confronted with his absolute powerlessness: Noah needed God’s direction to build the ark and all others discovered they were not gods, and died.  Welcome to freedom. Continue reading “Freedom to Be Gods: Nihilism”

Faith Affects Government, Always

What You Were Never Supposed to Learn
How Evangelicalism Ruined America

One of the most important factoids I learned from reading Murray Rothbard’s book, The Progressive Era (Mises Institute. 2017.), was the impact of faith on government. In short, the joining of morality and government power to create a godly society is the history of America. In a nutshell, this is postmillennialism put into practice, this is America today gone wrong. Continue reading “Faith Affects Government, Always”

Teenagers: Statistics Gone Wrong


Eddie Cochran’s Teenage Heaven define the goals
of Adult Teenagers today

In 1959, Eddie Cochran published and sang a song, “Teenage Heaven” in which he defined what should be the goals of all teenagers: home with a pool, private phone, no restrictions and Dad paying all the bills. Today that is a reality for many who are little more than adult teenagers {never grew up}. Continue reading “Teenagers: Statistics Gone Wrong”

Eugenics is the True Methodology of Evolution

Evolution exists because of tolerance of its
Logical Fallacies that excuse its practice-Eugenics

The above graphic, a quote by Richard Dawkins, is suppose to quiet all opposition to evolution; however, it commits the logical fallacy of conflation to destroy its very legitimacy. While gravity is a theory because the actual force is unknown, its effects are measurable and repeatable {you do this ever time you weigh yourself}. However, evolution is a past event; therefore, it is not repeatable nor can it be measurable which removes it from the realm of science. Evolution is in fact a context for discoverable facts; however, it has failed to even fit the facts that it claims. Evolution survives because it carries the force of government being the only legitimate view of creation allowed to be taught in schools. In other words, evolutionary theory survives because of government suppression of free speech of opposing contexts of the available facts. Continue reading “Eugenics is the True Methodology of Evolution”