Pope Ain’t The Antichrist

Luther Set Tone: Pope is Antichrist

Pope as Antichrist Born in Protestantism;
Luther Speak from Bible or Prejudice?

Roman Catholicism (RCC) ruled the Western Christian world for nearly a millennium. Except for The Great Schism (1064) which saw the split of Greek Orthodoxy split from RCC to prevail in the East, doctrine was pretty much decided by the Pope. However, Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses (1517) became the rift between RCC and the protesters who disagreed from the Pope on some relatively minor issues. This movement grew to become Protestantism which quickly broke along nationalistic lines as the various factions sought protection from the new nation-states and the same states sought legitimacy from their new religions from the tyranny of RCC dominance. Luther was known as the father of the movement and his pronouncements carried great weight. Even over 500 years later many Protestant, and Baptist denominations still consider the Pope the Antichrist. This has gained resurgence in light of today’s world changing political-social climates and many leaders claiming the end is near! Is it? Does the Bible support this assertion? Or, is this simply Luther’s papal prejudice lasting for generations without foundation? Continue reading “Pope Ain’t The Antichrist”

Why is There Law and Justice?

Woman Beginning of Order

Woman’s Quest of Knowing Begat Disorder;
Disorder Begat Violence and Led to Laws

Satan’s deception to Woman, that she could be as God if she could obtain knowledge apart from God began the march into sin, chaos, disorder and death (Ge 3:1-7) {Ancient Battleground: Tree of Knowledge}. Woman raised her first son, Cain {Given of God}, to be the promised conqueror of Satan to return them to their pre-sin state; an impossibility (Ge 4:1-8). However, Cain descended into complete chaos and disorder and murder Abel, the Weak One, whom he was to protect when God chose Abel as patriarch instead of himself {God Offered Cain Control}. Cain left God’s presence and formed his own government in the Land of Wanderers {Nod}. Why, Laws?
Continue reading “Why is There Law and Justice?”

God: The First Cause of Racism?

God Promotes Racism

In the Perverted Logic of the Lost
God: The First Cause of Racism

God: The First Cause of Racism is a tenet doctrine of Luciferianism since Lucifer was declared a sinner and judged by God (Isa 14:12-15; Ez 28:14-19). Lucifer {Satan} separated Man from God by entering a social contract to give man knowledge apparently forbidden by God (Ge 3:1-5). The essence of theodicy is to prove God is the author of all evil (Is God the Tyrant of Heaven? Discernlife.). The fact that God is making a new people with a new nature separates people into two distinct groups: Lost-Satan is their father (Jn 8:44) and Saved-God is their Father (Jn 17:20-26; 2Co 5:17). There is no place for the Lost in the new Heaven and Earth; i.e., their place will be in the Lake of Fire 🔥; thus, they consider God unfair or racist for discriminating against them simply because they do not want His rule over them (Re 20:1-21:8). Thus, to them God: The First Cause of Racism. Continue reading “God: The First Cause of Racism?”

Iron and Clay-Competing Priorities

Gnostic Spirit Body LinkGnosticism is Satan’s Goal: FreeDom from God
Spiritual Existence is Impossible Dream for Man

Iron and Clay-Competing Priorities refers to Nebuchadnezzar’s vision which Daniel interpreted after prayer with God (Da 2:41-43). The statute of Marduk, Nebuchadnezzar’s idol, was divided into sections: Head of Gold, Chest of Silver, Loins of Bronze, Legs of Iron and Feet of Iron and Clay. Each metal, section, represented a certain empire with qualities contributing to Satan’s goal of a globalized government over all peoples. The feet represent separation and the material, as explained by Daniel, show the impossibility of unifying these two different materials. This post attempts to explain what these two materials represent and why there can be no unity. Continue reading “Iron and Clay-Competing Priorities”

Satan’s Everything Conspiracy Theory (SECT)

For any Conspiracy to be Successful
It must Control access to Information

 Conspiracy theories abound and the term has become a pejorative label against those who use it; however, in our post I shall show that there is an overarching conspiracy theory: Satan’s Everything Conspiracy Theory (SECT). Rachel Maddow had a unique, though honest defense in court: she is not a real journalist; however, since journalist was not defined we really do not understand what she was denying { . Maddow’s “I’m Not a Real Journalist” Defense Prevails in Court. CERNO}. This is important! For any conspiracy to work information must be controlled but in such a manner that it cannot be seen as controlling until it is too late to prevent its success.  I shall present several examples of how information is controlled and then proceed to illuminate spiritual forces at work controlling everything {they think} (Ep 6:11-12; 2TH 2:3-12)
Continue reading “Satan’s Everything Conspiracy Theory (SECT)”

Knowableness of the Beast’s Image

Obelisk Described King’s Awesomeness
Dating Back to Very Ancient Kingdoms

One of the most intriguing symbols to capture people’s imaginations in modern times is the concept of the image of the beast (Re 13:13-18; 14:9-11). Needless to say many false teachers have captured the imaginations of those poorly trained or immature in discernment in looking for this image of the beast. False teachers do not teach out of the Bible as it would expose them, reducing their income. Yet, the Bible does speak about the beast’s image, especially two examples from the Old Testament. Obelisks were some of the first and most ancient images describing the prowess of rulers and thus qualify as images. However, though obelisks were associated with Egypt our first example occurs after Egypt with Moses who led the Hebrews out of that land of images. Continue reading “Knowableness of the Beast’s Image”

How Moses Broke Socialism

Pharaoh’s Government was Socialism
But via Moses His Government Loses ALL

In our last post I discussed how Joseph was instrumental in developing socialism, our modern term, in ancient Egypt {How Joseph Developed Socialism}. In this post I want to discuss how Moses broke that socialism and the insight it gives us into how God deals with the governments of earth. The fundamental assumption is that all governments are of Satan who worked through Cain to establish the first government (Ge 4:16-17). This quickly became violent and nearly wiped out all opposing views in the antediluvian world. God intervened with the Cataclysm {Flood} but saved Noah and his immediate family (Ge 6:1-8). Postdiluvian man quickly returned to the ways of Cain and Nimrod established the first king-priest government over all mankind (Ge 10:8-10; 11:1-9). God intervened resulting in the dispersion of people over the all the lands. Egypt, Mizraim {Two Kingdoms}, was the most enduring of these very ancient kingdoms. One man was both: King of Egypt, head of the government, and Pharaoh, head priest of their works-religion. When a ruler arose who did not know Joseph; i.e., did not appreciate Joseph’s accomplishments, he enslaved the Hebrews who were more free than his own subjects. After several hundred years of this oppression, God heard His people and Moses was developed to be God’s agent to deliver the people; this is the early chapters of Exodus (Ex 6:1-13). Continue reading “How Moses Broke Socialism”

What is Your Title?

Hagar Means Flight; Sarai Means Princess
Are these Names or Descriptive Titles?

Ever since I remember reading the Bible as a youth I was taught that the titles of each person were their actual names. I was amazed how their parents knew what their children were going to be as adults. I first heard the proposition that these names were not names at all but simply titles given to each person driving home to the reading the testimony of each person. I began wondering what God would call me? What would be His title for me? What would be my legacy title by which generations would remember me? What is your title? Continue reading “What is Your Title?”

Unnaturalness of Natural Law

America’s Declaration Birthed by
John Locke’s Natural Law

Thomas Jefferson was heavily influenced by John Locke’s natural law philosophy when he penned America’s Declaration of Independence. This philosophy describes the divide between Conservatives, who believe in natural law, and the Liberals who appear to follow Thomas Hobbes philosophy of legal rights conferred by one’s reigning governmental system. Evangelical Christians have frequently joined the Conservatives because of some supposed belief that natural law is derived from God thus obligating them to adhere to the Conservatives. However, did John Locke draw his philosophy from the Bible? Is there bible verses that support natural law? Christians should care because we are morally obligated to follow Scripture and must be able to discern the truth of this matter to prevent us from inadvertently supporting Satan. This is the heart of this post.
Continue reading “Unnaturalness of Natural Law”

The Sky is Falling Cataclysm! True!

Origins of Noah’s Flood Coming to Light
Science Catching up to the Bible, Again!

Chicken Little ran around the farm yard screaming, “The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” Cock Robin flew up into a tall tree and looked out over the countryside. “The sky is not falling,” he said disparagingly. Everything looked as it usually looked on a placid summer afternoon. By the same token, Greta Thunberg cried into the microphone, “Climate change will destroy my future! Does anybody care?” Her political backers and certain groups did care but not about catastrophe; their goal was political power unprecedented in world history. Yet, what if the truth of a coming cataclysm is true; is it in the Bible? Continue reading “The Sky is Falling Cataclysm! True!”