Wilderness Fallacy: Egypt is the World

Wilderness Separation: Whose Light is Guiding?

Wilderness Fallacy: Egypt is the World;
But, Is Egypt Type of the World System?

Nothing is more quintessential Jewish and Biblical than the Hebrew people marching out of Egypt after God humiliates Pharaoh through the Ten Plagues. Their glorious exodus from slavery to freedom is resurrected in modern times via the motif of black versus white racism that refuses to seek peace in Christ today. Indeed, it is the center piece of Critical Theory Wokeness ushering in The Great Reset, New World Order. But, what if evangelical Christians were not the only ones to get this metonmy incorrect? What if deception were the point to keep all of us from understanding the Wilderness’s Truth: It is about Separation. Continue reading “Wilderness Fallacy: Egypt is the World”

Loyalty: Evidence of Love

Loyalty is a Bargaining Commodity to the Lost

Loyalty: Evidence of Love
Or a Bargaining Commodity?

For years I struggled to understand Love. The confusing messages of Love I obtained from movies, music and literature varied from outright sexual lust to inexplicable feelings to outright manipulation to self-sacrifice for other’s desires. The Christian camps out in a selection of verses that do not explain love but does detail what love looks like (1Co 13:4-8). Often Christians simply hide behind, “Jesus is Love,” which explains nothing. Finally, I have come to understand that love is about loyalty. But, what is loyalty? Continue reading “Loyalty: Evidence of Love”

Three-Legged Stool of Simulacrum and Truth: Your Choice

Equality the Root of Modern Simulacrum Deception

Three-Legged Stool of Simulacrum and Truth:
Your Choice Guided by Your Faith of Truth

Occam’s Razor, developed by the 14th century friar, William of Ockham, stated that out of competing logics/solutions/philosophies/conclusions the simpler solution was preferred. What brought him to this conclusion which has been embraced by modern scientists but not so much by modern peoples who seem to embrace the complex and reject the simple or narrow path? His underlying premise, “God’s existence cannot be deduced by reason alone.” As I have oft written this is because God is beyond empiricism while Man via his five senses can only make empirical measurements (Jn 4:23-24). Man is always faced with the choice that is not really a choice because of one’s Lost or fallen, sinful nature God’s Truth is automatically excluded (Ro 1:18-28). Modern 19th-20th century peoples sought to embrace the French Revolution error that Reason alone can lead to true knowing which only led to greater complexity, failure evidenced by increasing degradation and violence. Twenty-first century elites have returned to the ancient knowing that faith underlies any change. The much heralded, Great Reset, is based on faith; i.e., the integration of all faiths undergird by equity or equality. Continue reading “Three-Legged Stool of Simulacrum and Truth: Your Choice”

Why Marriages Fail: Understanding the Bonds

Bonds of Attachment Reinforcing Interdependence

Understanding the Bonds that Make or Break Marriages
or Why Marriages Fail

My last post, Balaam Effect Destroying Families, Nations and Future, had two major shortcomings. One, I did not explain the bonds joining Man and Woman into an interdependent, unique entity; i.e., one flesh. Two, I did not clarify the motivations/goals driving men and women in their striving toward Soul-Flesh Security. This is a biblical perspective and based on the Bible. If you reject the Bible then you will reject this perspective. However, for all the modern psychological babbling produced in the last two hundred years we see marriages both declining in occurrence and relationships increasing in violence. With Americans touting themselves as progressive, we need to ask ourselves why we incarcerate more citizens than other nations and those incarcerated are predominately from single {usually maternal}-parent backgrounds? Why are marriages failing wholesale and our children choosing to live in relationships outside of marriage with its attendant increase in domestic violence and degrading immorality if our psychological pretensions are better than the Bible? Let us look at the bonds of biblical marriage in greater detail. Continue reading “Why Marriages Fail: Understanding the Bonds”

How Can I Know God?

How to Know God?
How Can I Know God?
By Yourself: No! In Christ: Yes!

John begins his revealing of the vision received from Christ via a heavenly messenger, angel, by acknowledging Christ as the Faithful Witness above all other qualities. At first blush one may assume that Christ is faithfully transmitting the revelation He received from the Father and is giving to John. However, it is this type of narrowly focused thinking that gets readers confused when reading the Revelation of Christ. My mind wandered back to John’s Gospel, which I had studied a couple of years ago, and I realized that there was a much larger concept at work in this passage that transcended this apocalyptic revealing of Revelation. Indeed, it lay at the foundation of the Bible and the question of this post. Continue reading “How Can I Know God?”

Knowing the Unknowable Requires The Key

Christ Imagined by the Lost

Knowing the Unknowable Requires The Key;
This Blasphemous Key Reveals Lost’s Mind

Why is it so hard to understand the Bible? Is God deliberately hiding His Truth from everyone except His select few? Can the unknowable become the knowable through logic and human reasoning? I struggled to understand the answers to these questions. It seems I cannot reach hardly anyone with the Gospel. I also struggled to understand Isaiah’s Mandate: “Keep on hearing, but do not understand;
keep on seeing, but do not perceive…” (Is 6:8-10). Is this why Jesus taught in parables; to keep the Lost, Lost (Mk 4:10-12)? In preparing for my study of Revelation I believe I have gained understanding of this mystery through the study of three words: Encrypt; Mystery and Reveal.
Continue reading “Knowing the Unknowable Requires The Key”

Commandments as Guidelines and Revealers of Sin

Commandments as Guidelines and Revealers of Sin:
Paul Wrote Commandments Reveal One’s Sin?!

For years I struggled to understand Paul’s statement, “Yet if it had not been for the law, I would not have known sin” (Ro 7:7). The first question that comes to mind has already been asked by Paul, “What then shall we say? That the law is sin?” He answers emphatically, “By no means!” However, Paul goes on to write that it was the giving of the command(s) that unmasked sin to bring death (Ro 7:8-9). But most confusing of all was Christ’s Sermon on the Mount explanation of several commandments appearing to negate the Law (Mt 5:17-30). One is left with the confusing choice that God lied in the Old Testament or is lying in the New Testament; and some agree that the entire Bible is a lie! Certainly, when approached from man’s perspective the Bible is very confusing because it was written from God’s perspective and can only be taught by God (1Co 2:12-14). Let us begin from Captain Barbossa’s perspective, that the commandments {code} is more like guidelines than rules” {Pirates of the Caribbean. (Watch above clip)}. Continue reading “Commandments as Guidelines and Revealers of Sin”

“All men created equal” from a Deist? Really!

Men Created Equal Deist Propaganda

“All men created equal,” from a Deist? Really!
From a Man Who Hated Christ’s Atonement!

As America comes upon another July 4th Independence holiday, propagandists of all ilks trot out their trite and true talking points to persuade YOU how and what to think. Americans have been so propagandized into their founding myths that they strongly reject any interdiction of truth lest they have to reshape their entire worldview. For example, according to Alexander Del Mar the American colonist’s revolution against Great Britain had little to do with liberty and nearly everything to do with revolt against their central bank: Bank of England {“New” World Order Criminal Bankers Caused the American Revolution. Best Evidence. Youtube.}. However, you do not get people to risk their lives for your money; therefore, you have to convince them to risk their lives for their supposed issue which you then define for them. Hence, the goal of all propagandists. Are you angry yet? Continue reading ““All men created equal” from a Deist? Really!”

Christ’s Eternal Continual Sacrifice for You

Christ's Eternal Willing Sacrifice

Christ’s Eternal Continual Sacrifice for You;
What is Your Continual Sacrifice to Him?

Christians tend to believe that Christ’s sacrifice ended with His death on the stauros {cross to those who think in Latin}. As part of our study of maturing discernment I propose that Christ’s sacrifice occurred before this Creation and continues into eternity future to never end. Yet, it was a sacrifice He willingly endures for the Joy that was set before Him: Your Salvation (He 12:2)! Continue reading “Christ’s Eternal Continual Sacrifice for You”

Anglo-Saxon Socialism: Religion of Works

William Tyndale of England

Anglo-Saxon Socialism: Religion of Works;
Single-handedly Delayed by Tyndale’s Faith

Our post, Ubermensch Reborn in BLM, briefly explored German philosophy that elevated Man’s Reason, coupled with epic ethnic mythology, over faith in Christ. But the German philosophers were simply apologists for French philosophers who prized Man’s Reason above any moral restraint of religion as discussed in, French Revolution: Birth Pangs of Socialism. Several French philosophers were influenced by English philosophers which begs the question, “Why did England not aspire toward scientismic socialism as their French and later Germanic compatriots?” It would be correct to say, Reformation, but it would be imprecise. The more correct answer is condensed into one Reformed man: William Tyndale, Prince of Translators. Continue reading “Anglo-Saxon Socialism: Religion of Works”