America’s Love Affair of Tyranny

Force Failed to Control Dissent

America’s Love Affair of Tyranny;
Constitution Always Failed to Protect Speech

Disinformation Governance Board is America’s latest iteration of its ongoing love affair with tyranny since adoption of the Constitution. While today’s latest efforts are driven by the Democrats, traditionally tyrannical Control was driven by the Republicans or their forerunners. We will look at three major epochs in American history to Control people by controlling speech. However, today’s effort is a major paradigm shift away from direct Control of speech to indirect Control of the origins of speech: Information upon which the speech is predicated!

America’s first waltz with Control began with one of America’s most famous Founding Fathers, President John Adams! Under his term Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts (1798). The First Amendment promises, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Yet, under threat of possible war with France, this foundational principle of American republicanism and liberty was sacrificed for supposed security. “The Sedition Act made it a crime for American citizens to “print, utter, or publish…any false, scandalous, and malicious writing” about the government.” Notice, not one of these terms is defined! What constitutes false, scandalous or even malicious writing? In practice this legislation was directed against the Federalist’s political opposition, the Democratic-Republicans {not to be confused with today’s Republican Party}. More specifically it was a weapon to hound Democratic-Republican newspapers out of existence by threat of legal force; i.e., imprisonment. New immigrants primarily joined this party which threatened to upset Federalist control of the new government. In fact, these acts actually resulted in the Federalist defeat! Notice, these acts sought to Control or inhibit unwanted political speech by force. This was the 19th century approach to tyranny evidenced by the failed French Revolution and its offshoots such as Communism.

Sedition-Espionnage Acts Robbed Everyone

Abraham Lincoln’s War for the Union
Imprisoned Thousands of Union Citizens

One of America’s most believed presidents, Republican Abraham Lincoln, had no qualms about imprisoning tens of thousands of American citizens without trials or even charges for criticizing his war against the South. By suspending the Writ of Habeas Corpus, July 1861, Lincoln directly violated the First Amendment. When the Supreme Court ruled against him, Lincoln simply ignored it. Americans have been taught via public education, that Lincoln was correct in his actions because of the rebellion; a rebellion of his own defining though many opposition newspapers and politicians, primarily Democratic, did not accept the South’s succession as rebellion! This strikes at the heart of our history. Lincoln masterfully redefined several aspects of the war he initiated in order to preserve the Union as he wanted it to exist. The Gettysburg Address was another masterful redefinition of America’s origins claiming federal power came into existence not from the States but from the people before the States existed!

Thousands of Americans were imprisoned and many died from horrendous conditions. It was not until two years later in 1863, that Congress rubber stamped Lincoln’s suspension of Habeas Corpus giving Lincoln some veil of legitimacy. Once again the major political party in power sought to eliminate opposition by using force of law to gain political ascendancy. Whereas Adams failed by not using force, Lincoln successfully used force against American citizens both in and out of the combat areas. American historians successfully whitewashed Lincoln turning him into a martyr to be worshipped. Majority of Americans accept his actions as necessary because the toll of human misery and death have been hidden from them.

Whereas Washington was the Father of America because of his restraint of power; Lincoln is the Father of United States because of his excess of power and Control without regard as to numbers of deaths required. Without Lincoln there would not have been a Progressive Era laying the framework for national socialism via oligarchical fascism. This brings us to the rise of Democratic efforts to Control speech.

Propaganda Elicits You as Your Main Controller

No Mistake Pledge of Allegiance Written
Justifying American National Socialism

President Wilson was the pawn in place to switch power from the national-biased Republicans to the international-biased Democrats. Under his reign the Revolution of 1913 occurred giving America nearly unlimited access to citizen’s wealth while removing the last vestiges of the old republic. Unfortunately, this revolution also oversaw the enslavement of American government to international financiers via the private Federal Reserve central bank. President Wilson also oversaw the passage of the Sedition and Espionage Acts which were used to silence opposition to Wilson’s entry into World War I (WWI) which he had promised to keep America out of during his campaign.

Notice the subtle, or not so subtle transition with each consecutive foray into totalitarianism. Adam’s Alien and Sedition Acts tested the resolve of America for self-imposed censorship framework while setting in place the mantra of liberty in exchange for security during self-imposed or perceived crises. Lincoln not only used armed forces against citizens but also invoked martial law which suspended not just habeas corpus but nearly all Constitutional guarantees; not of which were supposed to be abridged! Wilson’s Sedition and Espionage Acts overtly linked patriotism with security while changing America’s focus from a national focus to a subservience focus under an international ruling body.

Failed Form of Speech Control

George Orwell’s, 1984, Focused Attention
On Forced Control; Already Passing Away

Just as Adam’s initial attempt failed, resulting in the fall of the Federalists, it was ultimately successful in that the precedent had been set for future presidents. Wilson’s precedent also appeared to fail but it also laid the framework for America joining an international. governance body; United Nations. The carrot was that America would have absolute Control through the veto in the Security Council; the stick was that over time America would become subservient to financier organizations that would rule behind the scenes. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) set up after WWI and later the World Bank and International Monetary Fund set up during the Bretton Woods Accords in 1944. These measures saw government powers being slowly but surely replaced by financial powers through non-government organizations (NGO) such as the World Economic Forum and the G-number annual conferences.

Better Means of Control: Information Control

Great Reset Began with Personal Computing Internet:
You Wanted Info Access; They Info Control

Today America again celebrates its love affair with tyranny by inaugurating the Disinformation Governance Board (DGB). The DGB is only the latest and most formal means by which Western democratic governments propagandize their people through information access. The 20th century proved the failure of governmental force. The more direct the force, such as the French and Soviet Revolutions, they greater the failures. The blunt manner of earlier propaganda efforts was also giving way to Bernays-style public relations; also an outgrowth of WWI {Disinformation Governance Board: Biden’s ‘Ministry of Truth’. Washington Times.} {The Psychology of Manipulation: Lessons Learned From the Master of Propaganda. Brave New World.}.

The secret to guiding people’s thoughts is not force but the subtle influence of what is correct {scientific} information and what is disinformation {non-scientific}. NGOs such as Twitter, Facebook, CNN, Fox, AP and even popular informational entertainment such as The View focus on identifying the right information from alternative or disinformation. This came to public knowledge during the Covid-19 plandemic. The government’s CDC {Center for Disease Control} disseminated information promoting questionable mRNA vaccines while excoriating early treatment regimens as disinformation. The government found itself pitted against some of the most brilliant, scientific minds who denounced the government program of worthless masks, forced lockdowns and hiding the plethora of disabilities and deaths caused by the mRNA injections! Something had to be done to keep Americans compliant!

President Biden created the DGB under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The DGB is to advise the DHS, enforcement arm, of what is information with the implication that disinformation would be scrubbed from digital access. The DGB’s first Executive Director, Nina Jancowicz, was laughed away when her other digit videos revealed her wokeness; willingness to Control information along political lines. Articles quickly appeared poo-pooing as disinformation criticisms of the DGB’s mandate of information Control {The Disinformation Governance Board debunked and disbanded. Lynnwood Times.}.

Ms Jancowicz’s Mary Poppinesque approach was laughed away; it would have been better to have left her in place. She was replaced by Mr. Michael Chertoff who helped author the Bush’s Homeland Security Act that fundamentally assumed guilt until innocence could be established; if ever {Biden Admin Taps Dangerous Deep-Statist Michael Chertoff as New Disinfo Czar. Headline USA.}. This person has the acumen to weaponize information and suppress unwanted or disinformation that earlier attempts could only dream about. Why is this important to Christians?

Satan has no power except his lies, words (Jn 8:44). In this he is not original but copies God who only works through His words. God spoke this universe into creation (Ge 1:3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26). Christ is the Logos, Word and essence, of the Father (Jn 1:1-5). It is through hearing the words of the Gospel by which people are saved (Ro 10:14-17). Words are there dividing line between life and death. People form opinions, worldviews, based on received information. Control what they see as true and they then control themselves for you! Those who embrace disinformation reveal themselves making their elimination easier. Labeling disinformation with pejoratives such as conspiracy theories triggers rejection by the compliant who want to be seen as the same as everyone else.

Remember, America’s Pledge of Allegiance was written by a national socialist Baptist who wanted to indoctrinate children via public education into blind state obedience {Bellamy’s Pledge. Abbeville Institute Press.}. Today’s patriotic conservatives demand people declare their liberty by repeating this pledge! This is the power of disinformation becoming information furthering the goals of enslavement by consent! America the home of the free? No! America has been the proving ground of Satan’s means to overcoming the world without destroying the entire world through his own disinformation. Think of the Pledge as a prayer; to whom are you actually praying? It is not God but the god of this world (2Co 4:3-4)!

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